Sport as a valuable instrument of integration

Action accessible to all including newly arrived migrants


Name of the project owner: Panathlon International
Status of the project owner:  International NGO
Area of work of the project owner: Sport / Migration / Youth / Social integration / Interculturel exchange
Website of Panathlon International


Geographic scope of project: Regional
Project objective: Promote social diversity / Educate and transmit values through sport / Practice a physical activity for physical/mental health / Develop intercultural relations and/or intercultural competency
Types of sport or physical activity carried out:
Partnership / supports: Human resources (volunteers)
Project duration: 1 year
Project status: Completed
Supervising staff: Volunteers
Summary of the project: Panathlon International is a non-profit association whose aim is the affirmation of sporting ideals and its moral and cultural values as a tool for education of the person and of solidarity between individuals and peoples. In October 2016 a Panathlon Club, namely the Club of Caltanissetta, organized a conference in the great Hall of the  school  "Ruggero Settimo" of Caltanissetta with the high schools of its territory on the theme "Sport as a tool of integration". All students listened with interest to the speeches of important sports personalities and especially of two young immigrants seeking asylum who recounted how, through sport practice, managed to integrate into the town, as well as to start social relations. Given the topicality of the theme, the goal of the meeting was to raise awareness among young people and provide the elements for a project (by the Panathlon Club Caltanissetta) involving young people, sports clubs and local authorities aimed to promote the integration of immigrants through the development of sport.

Summary of the project in original language:  Progetto Panathlon International: lo Sport prezioso strumento di integrazione Il Panathlon International è un'associazione senza scopo di lucro il cui scopo è l'affermazione degli ideali sportivi e dei suoi valori morali e culturali come strumento per la formazione della persona e della solidarietà tra individui e popoli. Nell’ottobre 2016 un Panathlon Club (Club di Caltanissetta) ha organizzato una conferenza con le scuole superiori del suo territorio sul tema "Lo Sport come strumento di integrazione" nell’aula magna della scuola "Ruggero Settimo" di Caltanissetta. Tutti gli studenti hanno ascoltato con interesse gli interventi di personaggi importanti dello sport e soprattutto di due giovani immigrati in cerca di asilo che hanno raccontato e spiegato come, attraverso lo sport, sono  riusciti ad integrarsi nella città e a stringere relazioni sociali. Data l'attualità del tema, l'obiettivo della riunione era quello di sensibilizzare i giovani e fornire gli elementi utili per un progetto (del Panathlon Club Caltanissetta) che coinvolga i giovani, le società sportive e le autorità locali per  promuovere l'integrazione degli immigrati attraverso lo sviluppo dello sport.


Country of origin: Africa
Type of migration: Asylum seeker
Target beneficiary: Families
Target age group:

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