
Turkay GASIMOVA - Prison Watch Public Association

The project responds to the young prisoners’ lack of information about social rights. Very often, after they exit prisons, young people face recidivism and unemployment. The project “Preparation courses for the life after prison” includes trainings for young prisoners who will be released in the following three months and the publishing of booklets on the rights of prisoners. The topic of the trainings will be social rights, especially right to education, right to employment and right to legal and social protection.
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Anna GORSKAYA - SOS Children's Village Association of Belarus

In independent life, youngster-orphans and youngsters without parental care meet with a lot of difficulties and can’t to assert one’s rights in practice. The project is for 30-40 youngster-orphans and youngsters without parental care from foster families and small children’s homes. The project aims to prepare young people from foster families, small children’s homes (after school education) for the full personal and vocational development and formation of social competencies during the transition for the independent living.
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Anne Mette GLARBO - Red Barnet Ungdom / Save the Children Youth Group

Janni Nielsen - Red Barnet Ungdom / Save the Children Youth Group

The project aims at handling the feeling of exclusion and discrimination and reduce conflicts associated with these that young boys in a neighbourhood at risk in Copenhagen, Tingbjerg, are experiencing. Through detached youth work, the project leaders will establish an embedded youth project by a participatory approaches with the young boys. The project will include training sessions for young boys on developing social skills and awareness on their social rights.
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Mia SCHMIDT JENSEN - Ungdommens Rode Kors / The Red Cross Youth

The project includes the training of youth street mediators, and detached youth work in a disadvantaged area in Copenhagen, as a tool for crime prevention. Street mediators will support young people in linking with the opportunities available for them related to their social rights in the City of Copenhagen.
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Niina LJUNGKVIST - City of Lappeenranta Youth Service, Sammonlahti Youth Centre

The project includes the development of the services of the City youth centres, by enhancing more cooperation with youth NGOs. Moreover, the project includes training session with and for young people, by which they will develop their social and civic skills.
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The project addresses the right to employment and non-discrimination. Young people have little competences in understanding the discrimination affecting them in their access to jobs and they also need to develop more competences through non-formal education. The project includes several educational activities for young people aged 18 to 25 in a disadvantaged area in Montpellier, on the following topics: self esteem, communication, discrimination and ways to combat it, guidance towards the labour market, etc.
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Lavinia RUSCIGNI - Association Migration et Echange pour le Developpement

The project aims to raise the awareness of young people living in a disadvantaged area in Strasbourg (Hautepierre) on education, social inclusion, non-discrimination and intercultural learning opportunities through non-formal education activities. The project will increase young people’s self-esteem and inform them about local policies on access to social rights provided and also international opportunities at international level (training courses, youth exchanges, work camps). Moreover, the project aims to change the perception of the youth and their community.
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Achilleas STAVROU – ARSIS Social Organization for the Support of Youth

In Greece, a raising number of young people are excluded from basic social rights: employment, housing, education, health services, quality of food, representation and participation, living with dignity. During this project a core group of five young people was created. Through a fully participatory process we designed a three hours mobile workshop for young people, which is addressing the issues of discrimination and exclusion.
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Monia DE PAOLI - Ufficio Servizio Sociale Minorenni di Venezia

The project responds to the question of transition of young offenders to independent life after they leave prison, particularly young Roma people. The projects aims at establishing a coordinated network of youth organisations, social services and community organisations to enhance the transition from prison life to independet life of young offenders.
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Ljuba TIHOMIROVA - Latvia’s association for family planning and sexual health

The main idea of the project is to create a group of both Russian and Latvian school aged youngsters and to train them on health related topics with non-formal methodologies as peer-to-peer educators for building collaboration among two different communities. The idea is to use health education also as a tool for intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding among these 2 ethnic groups which are often involved conflicting.
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"former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"

Milos RISTOVSKI - Center for Intercultural Dialogue

The project is based on the need of young people to have a better understanding of their social rights and social policies and to be better involved in local decision-making processes that concern them directly. The project includes human rights education activities with young people from the three ethnic groups present in Tetovo, Albanian, Macedonian and Roma, and will focus also on the strengthening the local youth council through the involvement of groups excluded usually from this participatory processes.
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Miguel LAMAS - Associacäo Nacional de Futebol de Rua (Street Soccer National Association)

The project “Enter the Game Too” is based in the disadvantaged neighbourhood of Padre Cruz, Lisbon, and responds to the need to reduce school failure and dropout, unemployment; youth risk behaviours and indiscipline in schools, parental neglect, and the need for acquisition and reinforcement of psychosocial skills necessary to the lives of children and their inclusion in the society.
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Ana Sofia MARTINS - ECOS - Cooperative of Education, Cooperation and Development

In order to encourage young people to be active in defense of their Sexual and Reproductive Rights, the Algarve region decided to "TALK ABOUT IT!” The project “TALK ABOUT IT: Cooperation and Youth Participation for the Access of Sexual and Reproductive Rights in the Algarve” was released at the beginning of this year, with the main objectives of creating spaces of dialogue between decision-makers, organizations working with youth and youth, highlighting the issues related to the area of Sexual and Reproductive Rights while, at the same time, encouraging youth participation within this area.
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The aim of the project is to establish a school bank of volunteers through peer education. Young people from a disadvantage neighborhood will be the ambassadors of this project and will mobilise other young people and local entities to joint, with the mission of involving young people in voluntary activities in organisations that work on social rights access.
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Russian Federation

Olga INZHUVATKINA - Saint Petersburg Charity Public Organization “Shag navstrechu”

The project takes into account the specific situation of children with special needs and their integration in mainstream education. The project will include several training sessions for schools, including the school staff and students, about the way to integrate children with special needs. A specific phase of the project is an arts project, that will aim at increasing the awareness of all students of the situation of children with special needs.
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Petra MILOSAVLJEVIC - Youth Creative Center

Young people are often discriminated in school, hospitals, social service offices, police and other settings in our town. There are laws and policies that guarantee access to social rights for young people and forbid discrimination, but it is still happening and their access is not easily accomplished. The reason is the lack of information about social rights, prejudices and the lack of sensitivity for their needs. Young people affected the most are the ones that belong to vulnerable groups (Roma people, people with disabilities, Muslims…).
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Roman BARTOS - NGO Life and Health

The problems identified in the project are discrimination, antigypsyism and segregation in accessing social rights by Roma youth and a lack of Roma activists on local and regional level to participate in the decision-making processes that affect their lives. The project aims at empowering young Roma in building network of activists promoting better access for disadvantaged youth to social rights.
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Seda CEVIK - Community Volunteer Organisation (TOG)

The project aims to analyse the reality young people face in relation to their access to social rights and to have an effect on the national and local decision making mechanism to consider the young people. “The Youth Said: Life is Hard!” project aims to empowerment young people who are between 16 – 25 and living Turkey.
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Oleksiy MURASHKEVYCH - Lugansk Regional Center for Youth Initiatives Support

Young people in the Lugansk region aged 16 to 21 face health issues (STD, violence, depression) and lack of opportunities to participate in social life of their communities. A group of 10 young people will be trained as peer educators and organise training sessions with their peers on access to health and healthy lifestyles, as well as presenting to their peers opportunities for getting active in community life, for example through volunteering. The peer education activities will be based on the needs of young people and identified together with them. The group of peer educators will also build partnerships with local authority health and social agencies and youth organisations.
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Igor NOSACH - International Charity Partnership for Every Child

The main project idea is to encourage a group of active young people from institutional care to establish and sustain a social network (informal or youth-led non-governmental organisation) which will provide support to wider group of young people in the local community in advocating for and accessing their social rights at the local level.
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United Kingdom

Jean CASE - Bulwell Riverside Centre, Nottingham City Council

The project aims to create a local campaign with young people from one of the most deprived areas of Nottingham that will address the issue of domestic abuse. The numbers of young people involved in abusive relationships is growing quickly. The young people will create either a piece of art, a music CD, or a performance for the stage or video, that will be given to schools and youth centers in the surrounding neighbourhoods to raise awareness about domestic abuse (rather than tackling it as taboo) and to prevent it.
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Elizabeth SMITH - CATCH-22

The project will increase the participation for all young people who are at risk of exclusion from two mainstream schools in south London. It aims to create an environment for the young people to be fully respected, valued and accepted within their school and to review the schools behaviour policy. The project will begin working with 3 - 6 young people aged 14-16 years who are at risk of exclusion from their school.
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Fionn GREIG - Voice of Youth

The project includes human rights education activities for young people aged 12 to 19 from the area of Hackney, London. Young people will develop their awareness of social rights. The project will aim at enhancing youth participation also in international youth work non-formal education activities. Young people involved in the project are are often discriminated against by the police, and often have low aspirations for their future.
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