9th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum
Sibiu, Romania, 2-4 October 2019
Cultural Routes for Cultural Tourism
The 9th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum was organised by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism of Romania.
The 2019 Forum was the occasion to discuss challenges and opportunities for the expansion of cultural tourism and the vital role that the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe can play in its wider development. Representatives of International Organisations (such as EU, UNESCO, UNWTO, ETC, BSEC), EPA member States and Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe focused on how to capitalise the potential for cultural tourism so to foster European heritage and traditions, as well as encourage innovation and creativity in the cultural sector in favour of the tourist experience from different perspectives.
During the Forum, official ceremonies took place to welcome Latvia as a new member State of the EPA and the 5 Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe certified in 2019: European Route of Industrial Heritage, Iron Curtain Trail, Le Corbusier Destinations: Architectural Promenades, Liberation Route Europe and Routes of Reformation.
At the opening dinner, the Minister of Tourism of Romania Bodgan TRIF and the Chair of the EPA Governing Board Birgitta RINGBECK awarded 4 certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe for their “Best Practices in Cultural Tourism along the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe”: Iter Vitis Route, Prehistoric Rock Art Trails, ATRIUM and European Route of Historic Thermal Towns.
14 Cultural Routes projects, the 10th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum, which will take place in Chanià (Greece) in 2020, and the 9th Training Academy on Cultural Routes, which will be organised in Fontainebleau in cooperation with the certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe “Impressionisms Routes”, were also presented at the event.
The Forum was attended by some 200 participants, 20 EPA member States, 25 certified Cultural Routes, 15 new Cultural Routes networks interested in the certification “Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe”, representatives from International Organisations (European Union, UNESCO, UNWTO, ICOMOS, ETC, BSEC), NGOs, local and regional authorities, academics and professionals in the cultural tourism sector.
9th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum Programme
Day 1
10:00 - 11:00 Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes (EPA) Bureau meeting (by invitation only), Continental Hotel Sibiu, Piața Unirii 10
11:00 - 12:30 EPA Governing Board meeting (by invitation only), Continental Hotel Sibiu, Piața Unirii 10
12:30 Lunch for all participants (meeting point in front of Continental Hotel Sibiu, Piața Unirii 10)
14:00 - 16:00 Buses from Sibiu to the Astra Museum (buses in front of the Continental Hotel Sibiu, Piața Unirii 10, buses every hour at 14:00, 15:00 and 16:00)
14:30 - 17:00 Registration of the participants
14:30 - 16:00 Meeting for networks interested in the “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certification (by invitation only)
16:00 - 16:30 Visit to the Astra Museum
16:30 - 17:30 Networking café - Member States and Cultural Routes matchmaking
OFFICIAL OPENING 17:30 - 19:00
- Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe; Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes
17:30 - 17:45 Welcoming remarks
- Maria MINEA, Prefect, Sibiu County
- Ciprian ȘTEFAN, Manager, Astra Museum
17:45 - 18:15 Opening statements
- Bogdan Gheorghe TRIF, Minister of Tourism of Romania
- Snežana SAMARDŽIĆ-MARKOVIĆ, Director General of Democracy, Council of Europe
- Birgitta RINGBECK, Chair, Governing Board, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe
18:15 - 18:30 Accession Ceremony for Member States who joined the EPA during 2019
Presented by Snežana SAMARDŽIĆ-MARKOVIĆ, Director General of Democracy, Council of Europe
- Baiba MURNIECE, Head of Heritage Policy Division, National Heritage Board of Latvia, Republic of Latvia, 33rd Member State of the EPA
18:30 - 19:30 Certification Ceremony for Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe certified in 2019
Awarded by Birgitta RINGBECK, Chair, Governing Board, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe and Snežana SAMARDŽIĆ-MARKOVIĆ, Director General of Democracy, Council of Europe
- Meinrad Maria GREWENIG, President, European Route of Industrial Heritage
- Michael CRAMER, Founder, Iron Curtain Trail
- Detlev GEISSLER, President, Routes of Reformation
- Florence XOLIN, Deputy Mayor and Leslie MOZDZAN, Manager, Le Corbusier Destinations: Architectural Promenades
- Remi PRAUD, Manager, Liberation Route Europe
Award Ceremony “Best Practices in Cultural Tourism along the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe”
Awarded by Bogdan Gheorghe TRIF, Minister of Tourism of Romania and Snežana SAMARDŽIĆ-MARKOVIĆ, Director General of Democracy, Council of Europe
Day 2
08:30 Buses for all participants from Sibiu to Cisnădie (buses in front of the Continental Hotel, Piața Unirii 10)
08:30 Registration of the participants (continued)
OPENING SESSION 09:00 - 09:45
- Mike ROBINSON, Director, Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage, University of Birmingham
- Ragnar SIIL, Former Undersecretary of the Arts, Ministry of Culture, Estonia
- Steliana COJOCARIU, Counsellor, Ministry of Tourism of Romania; Representative of Romania to the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
- Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe; Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes
- Marina DIOTALLEVI, Head of Ethics, Culture and Social Responsibility, United Nations World Tourism Organization - UNWTO
PLENARY SESSION 1 09:45 - 11:15
Cultural Tourism – Opportunities and Trends: A Trans-national European Perspective
Cultural tourism is an important activity and ambition for many of the Cultural Routes and indeed across all European States. It is a growing market segment and is based upon the rich and diverse tangible and intangible cultural heritage that exists throughout Europe, not only in the well-known cities but in many urban and rural areas and communities. This session provides a pan-European perspective of the trends, frameworks and opportunities that exist for cultural tourism provided by some of the key organisations involved.
- Diego MARANI, Advisor for Cultural Policy, European External Action Service - EEAS, European Union
- Miguel GALLEGO, Head of Marketing and Communication, European Travel Commission - ETC
- Peter DEBRINE, Programme Specialist, World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Programme, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO
- Sue MILLAR, President, ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Cultural Tourism, International Council on Monuments and Sites - ICOMOS
Q&A session
Local flash presentation:
- Daniel KOZAK, Communication Manager, Timișoara European Capital of Culture 2021
11:15 - 11:45 Networking coffee break
PLENARY SESSION 2 11:45 - 13:00
Cultural Tourism – Perspectives from EPA Member States and National Tourism Authorities
Cultural tourism is now firmly part of national tourism policies and development strategies. Ministries of Culture, Ministries of Tourism along with National Tourism Boards are important allies for the Cultural Routes of Europe and are particularly able to assist with overseas marketing through an increasing array of media. This session focuses on the role of State organisations and the ways in which they can assist Cultural Routes to be important assets in their cultural tourism promotional activities.
- Levan KHARATISHVILI, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia; Vice-Chair, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
- George KALAMANTIS, Head of the Directorate of International Relations and European Union, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, Greece; Representative of Greece to the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
- Rodica VERBENIUC, National Tourist Board of Moldova, Republic of Moldova
- Diana ȚENEA, National Coordinator of the Danube Strategy, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, Romania
Q&A session
Local flash presentation:
- Alexandru PRISCU, Manager, Bran Castle
13:00 - 14:30 Networking lunch
Meeting lunch for the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
PLENARY SESSION 3 14:30 - 15:45
Cultural Tourism Practices and Destination Management – Perspectives from the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
The Cultural Routes have been active in developing cultural tourism programmes and products that not only encourage greater European and international engagement with their themes but that also seek to benefit local and regional economies. As part of cultural tourism development Routes have developed a destination management approach, founded on collaboration and partnership across involving both the public and the private sector. This session will share practices from both the Routes and the destination management organisations involved.
- Raffaella CARIA, Executive Secretary, European Route of Historical Thermal Towns, Cultural Route of the Council of Europe
- Annemarie SCHMIDT, Management Assistant, TRANSROMANICA, Cultural Route of the Council of Europe
- Susanna MARKKOLA, Project Manager at Destination Finland, Finland
- Laura GONZÁLEZ-DOPESO PORTELA, Head of Service, Tourism Planning and European Programs, Turismo de Galicia, Spain
Q&A session
Local flash presentation:
- Sorin TINCU, Manager, Hunyadi Castle
PLENARY SESSION 4 15:45 - 17:15
Developing Partnerships and Ideas for Cultural Tourism Development for Cultural Routes
Cultural tourism is built upon creative partnerships and collaboration across the public and private sectors. By working with others and through the cross-national and cross-cultural dialogue that is at the heart of the Routes Programme new ideas are generated. Continuing the theme of partnership, we hear from organisations that can work with the Cultural Routes in the development of cultural tourism.
- David VUILLAUME, Chair of the Executive Board, Network of European Museum Organisations - NEMO
- Manel SÁNCHEZ, Director, European Youth Card Association - EYCA
- Themis HALVANTZI STRINGER, Executive Committee Member, European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations - FEG
- Sandra VUJINOVIĆ, Executive Manager, Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation - BSEC
- Luz Amparo MEDINA, Directo General of Culture, Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos - OEI
Q&A session
Local flash presentation:
- Alexandru STANESCU, Manager, Eden Destination Şcheii Braşovului and Braşovechi
17:15 - 17:45 Networking coffee break
17:45 - 18:15 Cultural routes projects interested in the certification “Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe”
The Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme continues to expand, attracting diverse themes based on trans-national narratives. Here we hear from potential candidates and their proposals.
- Tamer ACAR, Director, Aeneas Route
- Kate CLOW, President, Via Eurasia
- Dubravka DAVIDOVIĆ, President, Nikola Tesla Network
- Guy DOCKENDORF, President, Via Memoria Mauthausen
- Jaume DULSAT, President, European Network of Historic Gardens
- Elisabetta GIUDRINETTI, Francesco’s ways
- Pekka HUTTU-HILTUNEN, Via Karelia
- Jean-Claude JOLY, President, Routes of Masonic Architectures and Heritage
- Yannis KARACHRISTOS, European Historic Cafés Association
- Alain LIBÉROS, President Founder, European Route of D’Artagnan
- Cristian MACEDONSCHI, Route of the Teutonic Knights
- Dirk RÖDER, Director, Forte Cultura
- Raimondo SINIBALDI, President, Romea Strata
- Charlotte WAEBER, Manager, Templars Route
- Luigi ZOPELLO, Manager, Via Romea Germanica
18:45 - 19:00 Presentation of the 2020 Training Academy on Cultural Routes, Impressionisms Routes, France, May 2020
- Pierre BEDOUELLE, President, Impressionisms Routes, Cultural Route of the Council of Europe
- Georges LUCENET, Vice-president, Impressionisms Routes, Cultural Route of the Council of Europe
19:00 - 19:15 Presentation of the 2020 Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum, Chania, Greece, 7-9 October 2020
- George KALAMANTIS, Head of Directorate of International Relations and European Union, Ministry of Culture and Sports, Greece; Representative of Greece to the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
- Vasilis STATHAKIS, Founder and President, European Historic Cafés Association
- Maria MYSTAKIDOU, Communication and Press Officer, European Historic Cafés Association
- Yannis KARACHRISTOS, Professor, Hellenic Folklore Research Centre, Academy of Athens
Building cultural tourism for the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
How can the opportunities for developing sustainable, cultural tourism be secured? What actions need to be pursued to support Cultural Routes in achieving their potential in the field of cultural tourism?
- Birgitta RINGBECK, Chair, Governing Board, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe
- Mike ROBINSON, Director, Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage, University of Birmingham
- Representatives of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
Concluding remarks
- Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe; Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes
19:30 Buses for all participants to the Gala Dinner destination
Purcari wine tasting from the Republic of Moldova
Day 3
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe ITB side meeting (by invitation only), Continental Hotel Sibiu, Piața Unirii 10
Meeting point in front of Continental Hotel Sibiu, Piața Unirii 10
09:00 - 10:00 Visit to the centre of SIBIU at the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Evangelical Church
10:00 - 10:20 Travel to SLIMNIC (buses for all the participants to SLIMNIC)
10:20 - 10:30 Visit to the SLIMNIC Fortress
10:30 - 11:30 Travel to VALEA VIILOR (The Valley of Grapevines)
11:30 - 12:00 Visit to the Fortified Church of VALEA VIILOR (UNESCO World Heritage)
12:00 - 12:30 Travel to BIERTAN
12:30 - 13:00 Visit to the Fortified Church of BIERTAN (UNESCO World Heritage)
13:00 - 13:00 Coffee break
13:30 - 14:30 Travel to Sibiu
14:30 End of the 9th Annual Advisory Forum
9th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum Complete Programme
Declaration of the 9th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum
Working Documents
Practical Information and Side Events
Certification Ceremony
- European Route of Industrial Heritage, Meinrad Maria GREWENIG, President, European Route of Industrial Heritage
- Iron Curtain Trail, Michael CRAMER, Founder, Iron Curtain Trail
- Routes of Reformation, Detlev GEISSLER, President, Routes of Reformation
- Le Corbusier Destinations: Architectural Promenades, Leslie MOZDZAN, Manager, Le Corbusier Destinations: Architectural Promenades
- Liberation Route Europe, Remi PRAUD, Manager, Liberation Route Europe
Plenary Sessions and Keynote Speeches
- "Horizon2020: to boldly go where Destination Europe has never gone before", Miguel GALLEGO, Head of Marketing and Communication, European Travel Commission – ETC
- "Sustainable tourism development for Cultural Routes – ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Charters", Sue MILLAR, President, ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Cultural Tourism, International Council on Monuments and Sites – ICOMOS
- "Cultural Routes of Georgia", Levan KHARATISHVILI, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia; Vice-Chair, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
- "Cultural Routes and ways of promoting Cultural tourism: Here come the Greeks (!)", George KALAMANTIS, Head of the Directorate of International Relations and European Union, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, Greece; Representative of Greece to the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
- "The Voivode Stephen the Great Route in Romania and Republic of Moldova", Rodica VERBENIUC, National Tourist Board of Moldova, Republic of Moldova
- "Cultural tourism practices and destination management. The case of EHTTA", Raffaella CARIA, Executive Secretary, European Route of Historical Thermal Towns, Cultural Route of the Council of Europe
- "Cultural tourism practices and destination management. The case of TRANSROMANICA", Annemarie SCHMIDT, Management Assistant, TRANSROMANICA, Cultural Route of the Council of Europe
- "Cultural Routes & Culture tourism stimulating local business and economy", Susanna MARKKOLA, Project Manager at Destination Finland, Finland
- "Growth, sustainability and social responsibility: key lessons from managing St. James Way in last 25 years", Laura GONZÁLEZ-DOPESO PORTELA, Head of Service, Tourism Planning and European Programs, Turismo de Galicia, Spain
- "Tourism, Cultural Routes and Museums", David VUILLAUME, Chair of the Executive Board, Network of European Museum Organisations - NEMO
- "Empowering Europe’s Youth", Manel SÁNCHEZ, Director, European Youth Card Association - EYCA
- "FEG-European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations", Themis HALVANTZI STRINGER, Executive Committee Member, European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations - FEG
2020 Cultural Routes Advisory Forum Presentation
Cultural Route Projects Presentations
- Aeneas Route, Tamer ACAR, Director, Aeneas Route
- Via Eurasia, Kate CLOW, President, Via Eurasia
- Nikola Tesla Network, Dubravka DAVIDOVIĆ, President, Nikola Tesla Network
- Via Memoria Mauthausen, Guy DOCKENDORF, President, Via Memoria Mauthausen
- European Network of Historic Gardens, Jaume DULSAT, President, European Network of Historic Gardens
- Via Karelia, Pekka HUTTU-HILTUNEN, Via Karelia
- Routes of Masonic Architectures and Heritage, Jean-Claude JOLY, President, Routes of Masonic Architectures and Heritage
- European Historic Cafés Association, Yannis KARACHRISTOS, European Historic Cafés Association
- European Route of D’Artagnan, Alain LIBÉROS, President and Founder, European Route of D’Artagnan
- Route of the Teutonic Knights, Cristian MACEDONSCHI, Route of the Teutonic Knights
- Forte Cultura, Dirk RÖDER, Director, Forte Cultura
- Romea Strata, Raimondo SINIBALDI, President, Romea Strata
- Templars Route, Charlotte WAEBER, Manager, Templars Route
- Via Romea Germanica, Luigi ZOPELLO, Manager, Via Romea Germanica
Local Flash Presentations
- "Timișoara 2021 – The journey to become a European Capital of Culture", Daniel KOZAK, Communication Manager, Timișoara European Capital of Culture 2021
- Bran Castle Presentation, Alexandru PRISCU, Manager, Bran Castle
- "Touristic valorization of a medieval castle, Corvins’ Castle - Hunedoara", Sorin TINCU, Manager, Hunyadi Castle
- Şcheii Braşovului Presentation, Alexandru STANESCU, Manager, Eden Destination Şcheii Braşovului and Braşovechi

Muzeul Astra
Strada Pădurea Dumbrava, nr.16-20
550182 Sibiu (ROMANIA)
Casa de Cultură Cisnădie
Strada Sibiului, nr.1
555300 Cisnădie (ROMANIA)
© Ministry of Tourism