Ireland took over the rolling six-month Presidency of the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers on 20 May 2022.

The handover from Italy’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Luigi Di Maio to Ireland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Simon Coveney and beginning of Ireland’s Presidency took place at a meeting of foreign ministers held in Turin, Italy.

Ireland will focus on three main themes:

  • reinforcing Human Rights & the Protection of Civilians in Europe;
  • promoting Participatory Democracy & Youth Engagement;
  • fostering a Europe of Welcome, Inclusion, & Diversity.

In the framework of the Irish Presidency, the Bureau of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities is invited to meet on 14 June in Tralee.

Furthermore, the Irish Presidency is invited to the next Congress session which will be held on 25-27 October in Strasbourg.

Назад Congress Bureau met in Tralee, Ireland

Congress Bureau met in Tralee, Ireland

In the context of Ireland's Presidency of the Committee of Ministers Council of Europe the Bureau of the Congress met on 14 June 2022 in Tralee, Kerry County, Ireland and had an exchange of views with Irish councillors, including members of the Irish delegation to the Congress, on local self-government in Ireland as well as the local dimension of the Irish Committee of Ministers’ priorities.

The Bureau shared concerns regarding the situation in Ukraine and Ukrainian families currently living in Kerry County. The Bureau took stock of the Cities4cities platform operations and encouraged further support to Ukrainian municipalities.

The Bureau also expressed concern about the situation in Türkiye, where opposition politicians are in long-term detention – including Nurhayat Altun and Leyla Güven, two former Congress members.

The Bureau debated Congress activities, agreed on the candidates for Congress Secretary General and adopted the agenda of the next Congress session to be held October in Strasbourg, France.

Bureau Tralee, Ireland 20 June 2022
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 Irish delegation

The Irish delegation to the Congress comprises 4 representatives and 4 substitutes.
The head of the delegation is James MOLONEY

Council of Europe
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
F-67075 STRASBOURG cedex
Tel : +33 3 88 41 21 10 

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