The Congress is undertaking work on women participation to public life, equality between men and women, as well as on women’s rights, for example by introducing quotas in its national delegations, adopting resolutions and recommandations on gender equality, and contributing to actions fighting violence against women.

Introduced in 2008, in accordance with the Congress Charter, the participation of a minimum of 30% of the under-represented sex in national delegations has been ensured since 2011 as a precondition for the approval of the credentials of a delegation.

  • Between 1994 and 2014, 73% (132) of the posts of President and Vice-President were held by men and 27% (49) were held by elected women;
  • For the first time in 2010, the Vice-presidents of the Congress were in equal numbers. Today (mandate 2021-2026), women constitute 50% (8 out of 16 members) of the executive of the Congress (Bureau);
  • For the first time in 2016, a woman was elected President of the Congress.
  • During 2006-2008, the Congress was actively involved in the “Stop domestic violence against women” campaign, and launched in particular a poster campaign in streets and subways of many European cities with the slogan “Cities and regions take a stand”.
  • In co-operation with the Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress organised a photo exhibition entitled “Break the silence on domestic violence“, inaugurated in 2008 and conducted in several cities.
  • In 2009, the Congress adopted Resolution 279 and Recommendation 260 on combating domestic violence against women and called for the development of strategies and measures at local level, to prevent and combat violence against women.
  • In 2020, the Congress adopted Resolution 459 and Recommendation 449 on fighting sexist violence against women in politics called on local and regional elected representatives to position themselves as political leaders against sexist discourse and violence.

Назад Promoting gender equality for effective human rights-based local governance in Georgia

Promoting gender equality for effective human rights-based local governance in Georgia

“Gender equality is a prerequisite condition for modern democracies, because ultimately, women’s rights are human rights,” stressed Congress Spokesperson on Gender Equality Eirini Dourou (Greece, SOC/G/PD) during the workshop on “Gender equality for effective human rights-based local governance”, held on 4-5 April 2022 in Imereti Region of Georgia, and which was followed by a similar workshop on 11-12 April 2022 in Kakheti Region.

These workshops, organised by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities in collaboration with the National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia (NALAG), brought together thirteen selected municipalities to address challenges for mainstreaming gender equality in local policies and actions.  Together with representatives of municipalities from the United Kingdom and Spain, participants discussed good practices in implementing the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in local life and shared experiences.

The workshops provided a practical overview of how addressing gender equality at local level is essential for human rights and good governance.  As a result, a network of peer support was established to assist local municipalities in delivering actions on gender equality, discuss challenges and achievements, and develop inclusive Gender Equality Action Plans.

“We know that effective, inclusive, human-rights based governance necessarily mainstreams gender equality at all levels, as it fights discrimination and gender-based violence, and strives to eliminate sexism,“ concluded Ms Dourou, encouraging the participants to take further steps in developing relevant legislation and practice for gender equality.

This event was organised in the framework of the project “Strengthening Participatory Democracy and Human Rights at Local Level in Georgia”, implemented by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and the Directorate General of Democracy, Division of Elections and Participatory Democracy, within the Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia 2020-2023 with the financial contribution of the Austrian Development Cooperation. The project aims to strengthen institutional frameworks for citizen participation, support local authorities and their national association in their efforts to protect and promote human rights and ensure that civil society organisations have real impact on local decision making.

Current Affairs Committee Strasbourg, France 13 April 2022
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In the Resolution 404 (2016), the Congress stresses the importance of adopting and implementing the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life, launched by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) in 2006, as a sound step towards gender equality, gender mainstreaming and the promotion of equal opportunities for women and men in local political and public life.