Social Charter History1961 Charter 1988 Protocol 1996 Revised Charter 1991 Protocol on Reporting System 1995 Protocol on Collective Complaints Procedure

The treaty system of the European Social Charter is an integrated set of international standards concerning social rights and a mechanism for monitoring their implementation within the States concerned.

Taking into account the evolution which has occurred in Europe since the adoption of the European Social Charter in 1961, the Revised European Social Charter, adopted in 1996, embodies in a single instrument all the rights guaranteed by the 1961 Charter and its Additional Protocol of 1988, while up-dating some of them and adding several completely new rights.

The Revised Charter is gradually replacing the initial 1961 treaty.

Enforcement of the Revised Charter within the States parties is submitted to the same monitoring mechanism as the 1961 Charter, i.e. the reporting system; this system was developed and strengthened in 1991 by an Amending Protocol (the 'Turin Protocol'). For the States parties which have accepted it, the reporting system is complemented by the collective complaints procedure, based on the relevant Additional Protocol of 1995.

Today, the Charter treaty system is one of the most widely accepted human rights set of standards within the Council of Europe. The widespread support for social rights is assured by the fact that 42 out of the 46 member States of the Council of Europe are Parties to either the 1961 Charter or the Revised Charter. For more information see the website of the Treaty Office of the Council of Europe, the table on signature and ratifications, the table of accepted provisions or the interactive map below.

The information displayed on this map is not necessarily complete, exhaustive, accurate or up to date. For any official information concerning the treaties of the European Social Charter, the status of signatures and ratifications, the declarations and reservations made by States, please consult the website of the Treaty Office of the Council of Europe.

Indietro 60 years on bringing the European Social Charter into changed times

60 years on bringing the European Social Charter into changed times

The University of Roma Tre (Department of Law, Roma Tre International Centre for Research "Diritto e Globalizzazione") together with the University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre, and with the support of the Department of the European Social Charter of the Council of Europe, are organising a one-day conference to mark the 60th anniversary of the European Social Charter.

The conference will provide an opportunity for academics, representatives of international organisations, civil society to discuss current issues such as labour rights in the era of gig economy and digitisation, migrants’ rights, the right to sustainable environment or how to reinforce the European Social Charter system and its relevance in Europe.

Featuring expert speakers (academics, current and former members of the European Committee of Social Rights, high-level representatives of the Council of Europe), the conference will focus on “bringing the European Social Charter into changed times”.


 More information 


 Date: 6 October 2021 

 Location: University of Roma Tre (Aula Magna), Rome, Italy (10:15-17:15 CET) 

 Organisers: University of Roma Tre (Department of Law, Roma Tre International Centre for Research "Diritto e Globalizzazione") and University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre, with the support of the Council of Europe Department of the European Social Charter 

 Livestreaming and online participationMS Teams online event 

 COVID-19: Physical attendance at the conference will be subject to the presentation of a Covid-19 “Green Pass”. On-site participants are kindly requested to wear a protective mask.

Rome, Italy 06/10/2021
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