Indietro Launch and Discussion of Needs Assessment Report on Social Rights in Georgia

Launch and Discussion of Needs Assessment Report on Social Rights in Georgia

The results of a comprehensive needs assessment in respect to the current state of social rights in Georgia vis-à-vis the European Social Charter were discussed during an online event on 30 November in Tbilissi, Georgia. 

The report was prepared in the framework of the Project “Strengthening Protection of Social and Economic Rights in Georgia” aiming to identify key gaps in the field of social rights, based on the examination of policy, regulatory frameworks and practices in Georgia. The Project is part of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia 2020-2023.

The needs assessment was conducted by a team of Council of Europe experts. They completed a fact-finding mission, with initial desk research and a number of online meetings with representatives from the Government of Georgia as well as local and international organisations working in the field of social rights in Georgia.

The presentation was followed by a discussion on how to address the identified gaps, further improve implementation of the Georgian legislation, and introduce changes to existing practices in order to ensure promotion and protection of social and economic rights of people in Georgia in accordance with the European Social Charter.

The needs assessment report makes recommendations for actions to be taken. It also proposes to the Georgian authorities to co-operate with the Council of Europe in order to address the identified gaps and to enhance respect of social rights in Georgia, in line with Council of Europe standards and best practices.

The event was attended by representatives of the Government, as well as international and local organisations, working on the promotion and protection of social and economic rights.

 Video of the event

 Country profile page Georgia and the European Social Charter

Tbilisi, Georgia 30/11/2021
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