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Caricaturiste et artiste


Nadia Khiari, painter and cartoonist, has released a collection of chronic revolution and publishes drawings in Sine Mensuel, Courrier international and Zelium. She received the Award Honoré Daumier (at the second meeting of Cartooning for Peace in Caen in 2012), the insignia of Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Liège in 2013 and also received the international price of political satire in Forte dei Marmi (october 2014), The Agora Med Price in Genova (june 2015) and The “Couilles au cul” at the Off off off Festival of Angouleme (January 2016).

Storytelling - Ma vision de l’histoire de la Tunisie dans les dessins de presse (1987 à nos jours)

Thèmes et labs 2016