
The Secretary General

The Secretary General is elected by the Parliamentary Assembly for a five-year term at the head of the Organisation. He is responsible for the strategic planning and direction of the Council's work programme and budget. He leads and represents the Organisation.
The Committee of Ministers
This is the Council's decision-making body and is made up of the ministers of foreign affairs of each member state or their permanent diplomatic representatives in Strasbourg. The Committee of Ministers decides Council of Europe policy and approves its budget and programme of activities.

The Parliamentary Assembly (PACE)

The Parliamentary Assembly consists of 306 members of parliament from the 46 member states; the Assembly elects the Secretary General, the Human Rights Commissioner and the judges to the European Court of Human Rights; it provides a democratic forum for debate and monitors elections; its committees play an important role in examining current issues.
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
The Congress is the voice of Europe's regions and municipalities and provides a forum where elected representatives can discuss common problems, pool their experiences and develop policies. It works to strengthen democracy and improve services at local and regional level.

The European Court of Human Rights

This is the permanent judicial body which garantees for all Europeans the rights safeguarded by the European Convention on Human Rights. It is open to states and individuals regardless of nationality. The 46 member states of the Council of Europe are parties to the Convention.
Commissioner for Human Rights
The Human Rights Commissioner independently addresses and brings attention to human rights violations.
The Conference of INGOs
The Conference includes international Non Governmental Organisations (INGOs). It provides vital links between politicians and the public and brings the voice of civil society to the Council. The Council's work benefits extensively from the INGOs' expertise and their outreach to European citizens.
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