De juin à août 2020, le projet Renforcer l'accès à la justice par des mécanismes de recours non judiciaires pour les victimes de discrimination, de crimes haineux et de discours de haine dans les pays du Partenariat oriental, financé par l'Union européenne et le Conseil de l'Europe - mis en œuvre par le Conseil de l'Europe dans le cadre du Partenariat pour la bonne gouvernance phase II, a organisé cinq webinaires qui abordent le sujet de la lutte contre la discrimination, notamment dans la région du Partenariat oriental. Les vidéos suivantes, comprenant des contributions d'experts et la présentation de bonnes pratiques, ont été enregistrées lors de ces webinaires. 

Contributions d'expert
 Comprendre et combattre le discours de haine 

Jeremy McBride partage son expertise sur le principe de discours de haine et la manière dont celui-ci se reflété dans la Convention Européenne des Droits de l'Homme ainsi que dans la Recommandation de Politique Générale n° 15 de la Commission européenne contre le racisme et l'intolérance (ECRI). Il aborde les préjudices causés par le discours de haine, les liens entre le discours de haine et la liberté d'expression, ainsi que les réponses au discours de haine, des activités de sensibilisation à la criminalisation.  
Jeremy McBride is Barrister, Monckton Chambers, London; Visiting Professor, Central European University; President of the Expert Council on NGO Law of the Council of Europe's Conference on INGOs (2008-); Consultant to the ECRI on the adoption of General Policy Recommendation No. 15 Combating Hate Speech, together with its Explanatory Memorandum; Co-founder and Chair of INTERIGHTS (the International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights).


Enhancing equality at national level: the role of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) and of the European Court of Human Rights

George Tugushi explains how the monitoring of ECRI and its general policy recommendations can help countries advance equality. He also explains how the provisions of the European Convention of Human Rights and cases brought at the European Court of Human Rights serve this same purpose.

George Tugushi is a human rights lawyer with a practical and theoretical experience in the field of human rights. In relation to discrimination, he served as the Human Rights Ombudsman of Georgia during 2009-2012. He was also the member of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI). In addition he has served as an expert for the Council of Europe, European Union and UN on a number of occasions. As of 2016, he is Member of Georgian Parliament and Vice-Chair of the Committee on Human Rights and Civil Integration. George Tugushi has been lecturing international human rights law in the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs since 2005. He also serves as a human rights consultant for various private law companies.


Combating racism and discrimination affecting Roma people in Europe

Margareta Matache makes an analysis of the types of discrimination and racism that Roma and Travellers are facing across Europe. She also explores possible solutions towards equality and non-discrimination.

Margareta Matache is a justice activist and scholar from Romania, director of the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights’ Roma Program, and a Harvard instructor. From 2005 to 2012, Dr. Matache was the Executive Director of Romani CRISS, a leading Roma rights organisation that defends the rights of Roma. In 2012, she was awarded a Hauser postdoctoral fellowship at the FXB Center, where she founded the University’s first and only Roma Program. In 2017, with Jacqueline Bhabha and Andrzej Mirga, she co-edited Realizing Roma Rights, an investigation of anti-Roma racism in Europe. Her other publications and research have ranged from the rights and agency of Romani children and adolescents to early childhood development, anti-Roma racism, reparations, segregation in education, and participatory action research. She completed her Master’s in Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and her  doctoral degree in Political Sciences from the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Bucharest. She also holds a master’s degree in European Social Policies.


Akram Kubanychbekov, ILGA - Europe, input on LGBTIphobia in Europe and its impact on LGBTI people

Akram Kubanychbekov from ILGA - Europe makes a presentation about homophobia and transphobia in Europe and its impact on LGBTI people. In addition, he also shares recommendations on combating homophobia and transphobia in societies with lower acceptance rate of LGBTI people.


Panel discussion on combating LGBTIphobia

This video features a panel discussion on how to combat LGBTIphobia with the following experts:

  • Tamara Pavicevic, Head of the Department on prevention and community policing, Police Directorate of Montenegro
  • Misza Cerniak, board members of the European Forum of LGBT Christian groups
  • Dimitri Bartenev, human rights lawyer
  • Akram Kubanychbekov, senior advocacy officer at ILGA – Europe.

Speakers touched upon the threats to equality and the strategies and approaches needed to ensure the equality of LGBTI people. From different perspectives, they also spoke about the role of allies and new trends in LGBTIphobia.


Disability inclusion and the intersectional approach

In this expert speech, Zara Todd, disability activist, and senior adviser at ENIL, the European Network for Independent Living, introduces key concepts related to disability and the key approaches to ensure disability inclusion. Zara Todd also touches upon the intersectional aspects of inclusion.


Erinda Ballanca, Albanian People's Advocate - The role of Equality Bodies in combating Hate Speech

Ekaterine Skhiladze, Public Defender's Office of Georgia

Yan Feldman, Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality, Republilc of Moldova

Sinisa Bjekovic, Ombudsperson of Montenegro

Bonnes pratiques du Partenariat oriental
Good practice in combating hate speech: Promo – LEX, Republic of Moldova

Irina Corobcenco from the association Promo-LEX from the Republic of Moldova explains the situation related to hate speech in the Republic of Moldova, and the ways in which her association monitors hate speech and organises activities like awareness raising and advocacy on hate speech.

Irina Corobcenco is responsible for hate speech monitoring in the public space and mass-media and for hate speech preventing and advocacy activities in the Republic of Moldova at the Promo-LEX Association.


Good practice in combating hate speech: Media Development Foundation, Georgia

Tamar Kintsurashvili from the Media Development Foundation in Georgia explains the situation related to hate speech in Georgia and the ways in which her Foundation fight against hate speech.

Tamar Kintsurashvili is executive director of Media Development Foundation; author and co-author of publications on hate speech, anti-Western propaganda, Kremlin Influence Index, media literacy, freedom of expression, media transparency and accountability and media self-regulation; editor-in-chief of fact-checking online portal Myth Detector; coordinator of Deutsche Welle Akademie youth project Myth Detector Lab for Media Literacy; associate professor at Ilia State University.


Bringing Roma and non-Roma community together 

Radu Marian, member of Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, offers his vision related to bridging the gap between Roma and non-Roma, in order to enhance equality. He delivers his observation from his perspective of Member of Parliament and Roma.


Good practice: Fighting discrimination affecting Roma in Ukraine

Yulian Kondur explains the work of his organisation, the International Roma Women Fund Chiricli that fights against discrimination affecting Roma in Ukraine. He also provides information about the situation of the Roma in Ukraine and their main challenges. He then focuses on the relation with police. 

Good practice: the Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality in the Republic of Moldova

Evghenii Alexandrovici Golosceapov, member of the Equality Council in the Republic of Moldova, explains the history and current work of the Equality Council and its achievements. 


Good practice: the non-discrimination and equality NGO coalition, Armenia

In this video, Nvard Piliposyan, legal team coordinator and the non-discrimination and equality NGO coalition in Armenia describes the work of this coalition. She also provides an overview of the situation related to equality legislation in the country.


An example of litigation of a discrimination case at the European Court of Human Rights

In this video, Nvard Piliposyan, human rights lawyer, provides information about a case brought to the European Court of Human Rights, Minasyan and Others v. Armenia. She explains the situation related to the case in Armenia and the arguments used to bring the case to the European Court of Human Rights


Good practice: Strategic litigation for disability inclusion in Georgia

In this good practice presentation, Anna Arganashvili, human rights lawyer, Georgia, from the Georgian NGO Partnership for Human Rights, introduces examples of strategic litigation cases that led to the protection of human rights of people with disabilities, in an intersectional perspective.


Good practice of disability inclusion in Armenia

In this video, Armen Alaverdyan, Executive Director of Unison NGO and ENIL board member, Armenia, introduces the situation of disabled people in Armenia and presents the initiatives of his organisation for disability inclusion.


Good practice for disability inclusion of the Office for the Rights of People with Disabilities, Belarus

In this video, Sergey Drozdovsky, Director of the Office for the Rights of People with Disabilities, Belarus, introduces the situation of people with disabilities in Belarus and some of the initiatives for their inclusion in society, thanks to the work of the Office for the Rights of People with Disabilities.