The Drafting Group on Human Rights in situations of crisis (CDDH-SCR) was created in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, but its mandate relates to situations of crisis in general. Experience has shown that not only public health crises, but also natural disasters or widespread security threats may place exceptional stress on public administration, creating challenges for the full and effective respect and protection of human rights.

The CDDH-SCR was asked to produce three documents, drawing on the practical experience of member States, notably during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as on the expertise of other Council of Europe bodies and the input of civil society organisations and national human rights institutions. The first document, a Report on member states’ practice in relation to derogations from the European Convention of Human Rights in situations of crisis was adopted by the CDDH at its 97th meeting. The second, the Toolkit for human rights assessment of the measures taken by the State in situations of crisis, was adopted by the CDDH at its 99th meeting and is now on the agenda of the Committee of Ministers for adoption. At its fifth meeting, the Group decided that its third and final document, a non-binding legal instrument on the effective protection of human rights in situations of crisis based on lessons learnt from the Covid-19 pandemic, would take the form of a Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers. During its sixth and final meeting, from 31 January to 2 February 2024, the Group adopted the draft Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers on the effective protection of human rights in situations of crisis and its draft Explanatory Memorandum for transmission to the CDDH, with a view to its adoption in June 2024. 

Put together, these documents will provide valuable practical advice and indications of applicable standards for member States, helping them to ensure that their responses to future crisis situations are human rights-compliant.