National projects
Path towards Armenia's Ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence
Start date: April 2019
Duration: April 2019 – December 2022 (46 months)
Budget: EUR 941,800
Donors: Donors contributing to the Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2019–2022 (currently Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Sweden, Romania)
The project is implemented by the Capacity Building and Co-operation Projects Unit at the Council of Europe’s Gender Equality Division together with the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan.
The Council of Europe project aims at strengthening the capacity of key stakeholders involved in preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, protecting the victims and prosecuting the perpetrators of violence as well as advancing gender equality.
The project builds on the achievements of the previous project previous project “Preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence in Armenia”. The Council of Europe focuses on providing information and knowledge about relevant European standards, in particular the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) and its implications for national policy and legal frameworks. The project gives timely support for the implementation of the recently adopted law on domestic violence in Armenia and paves the way for the ratification of the Istanbul Convention in Armenia.
The project will contribute to the following specific outcomes outlined in the Council of Europe’s Action Plan for Armenia for 2019–2022:
- Armenia is better prepared for the ratification of the Istanbul Convention.
- The Armenian legal and policy framework on preventing and combating domestic violence is in line with Council of Europe standards.
- Women victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence, including the most disadvantaged, have better access to justice and support services.
The project’s long-term impact aims that women in Armenia benefit from gender equality and protection against all forms of violence against women.
The project aims to:
- Enhance the knowledge of law enforcement and legal professionals, as well as journalists and other stakeholders on the law on domestic violence and European standards, notably the Istanbul Convention as they deal with the cases of domestic violence and violence against women;
- Strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, public officials and social workers to apply European standards (notably the Istanbul Convention) as they implement the law on domestic violence and provide support for women victims of violence against women;
- Support gender sensibility in education by assisting in the development of curricula, courses and materials for primary and secondary schools.
Watch the film about the Project's achievements