7 November 2024 - 17.15-19.00  / Palais de l'Europe

Interpretation FR/EN

In co-operation with Democratic Society (Demsoc)

How can different sectors (practitioners, researchers, and policymakers) work together to embed democratic innovations in transcending political and cultural divides?



  • Anthony ZACHARZEWSKI, President of the Democratic Society and Nets4Dem, COUNTRY? TBC 



  • Josh LERNER, Executive Director, People Powered, COUNTRY? TBC 
  • Azucena MORAN, Research Associate, Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam,  Germany TBC 
  • Catherine DAY, Cabinet Office, United Kingdom TBC
  • Marc ANGEL, Vice President of the European Parliament, MEP from Luxembourg TBC
  • Sebastián CALDERÓN, Founder of Extituto de Política Abierta, Colombia TBC
  • Danela ARSOVSKA, Mayor of the City of Skopje, North Macedonia TBC