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Rector of Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut


Salim Daccache S.J., Lebanese Jesuit, is since 2012 Rector of Saint-Joseph University in Beirut. After studying theology, philosophy and political science at LSU and at the Centre Sèvres in Paris between 1970 and 1982, he obtained a doctorate in 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne on the problem of the creation of the world in the kalam of Maturidi al (1989) and another defree in Education Sciences at the University of Strasbourg on Pluralism, Citizenship and Living Together in Lebanon (“Pluralisme, Citoyenneté et Vivre-Ensemble au Liban : le salut  vient-il de l’école ?”, 2010). He is editor of the al-Machriq review and was director of the Collège Notre Dame de Jamhour.

Lightning talk - How can the University, in a pluralistic context, educate for democracy and equality? Five theses.

Themes and labs 2016