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CAUDRON Jean-Michel

Jean-Michel CAUDRON

Director of Communication and Lobbying of the International Federation of Elderly People (FIAPA), Member of the INGO Conference of the Council of Europe


Jean-Michel Caudron is a consultant in social engineering and advises local authorities for 26 years, throughout French-speaking Europe, St Pierre and Miquelon, Mayotte, as well as in Argentina and Morocco, on their policies on aging. For 16 years, he has accompanied Ministry cabinets in France, Belgium and Luxembourg with his advice, writing reports or conducting action research. For civil society, he was in charge of the draft international convention for the rights of the elderly, brought to the UN by FIAPA for which he is responsible of communication and lobbying. Moreover, he is a member of the INGO Conference of the Council of Europe. Specifically, he is responsible for coordinating the work of the INGO Conference on migration and North-South cooperation.

Themes and labs 2016