12 Months, 1 Question: June 2021

The world is now home to the largest generation of youth in history- 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 to 24. These young people will suffer the consequences and will bear the costs of inaction on the climate crisis. Already now, most countries where youth are a majority of the population are economically dependent upon agriculture- a sector extremely exposed to climate change.

Young people are determined not to simply be victims of climate change. Children and youth have discovered their massive power to hold decision-makers accountable. In September 2019 more than 46 million young people and children from over 150 countries around the world went on a climate strike considered as the largest demonstration in history.

In June we will discuss how youth and children are affected by climate change, how they are organising themselves to pressure society into action and how governments should react to their demands.

 Teaser of June 2021

High Level Dialogue - 29 June 2021

High Level Dialogue: Decision-makers and Youth talk about democracy and the environment

TUESDAY, 29 JUNE 2021, 4.00-5.00 P.M. CET

The World Forum for Democracy is hosting High Level Dialogue between decision makers and youth delegates to provide insights into the challenges young people face in influencing the debate and response to climate crisis. We will hear from top-level speakers about what is being done to take account of their needs and include their perspectives.


Pace event - 25 June 2021

PACE hearing on inaction on climate change

FRIDAY, 25 JUNE 2021, 9:30-12:00 CET

organised by the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development in the framework of the World Forum for Democracy


Forum lab - 4 june 2021

Deeds for the Earth: Volunteering for Climate Justice

FRIDAY 4 JUNE 2021, 2.00-4.00 P.M. CET

co-organised with CCIVS (Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service)

Photo: IVS for Climate Justice Campaign

What can we learn from our volunteer experience? How does volunteering contribute to developing young people's perception on climate change? What challenges do we face when we want to organise volunteer projects focusing on environmental issues? How can organisations support young activists? How can institutions facilitate the work of youth organisations and young activists in the field of climate justice?


 Cartoon of the Month

by Cartooning for Peace -  Kazanevsky (Ukraine) - June 2021

Forum talk - 25 June 2021

Our climate, our future: young people leading global climate action

FRIDAY, 25 JUNE 2021, 4.30-6.00 P.M. CET

co-organised with the Council of Europe's Advisory Council on Youth

The fight against climate change is a top priority of young people in Europe and in countries located in other regions of the world. Increasing numbers of young people are taking an active stand to influence political decision-making in favour of a healthy environment for all. Never before have this many children and young people seen themselves as powerful actors of change who are willing and able to participate in the shaping of democracy. 

Join us on Friday the 25th to discuss how we can ensure full participation for young people in decision making processes. Its important because our climate is our future.


Forum insta talk - 17 june 2021
Webinar - 15 June 2021

Greening the youth sector: sustainability checklist

TUESDAY 15 JUNE 2021, 4.00-5.00 P.M. CET

In collaboration with the EU-CoE youth partnership

What can youth sector do to make its projects and activities more sustainable? Join us on 15 June at 4pm CET, for the presentation of the sustainability checklist, which will serve as guidelines for youth initiatives across Europe. Checklist was developed by the EU-CoE youth partnership, in cooperation with the Task Force on greening the youth sector, and in consultation with youth organisations.


My Rights, My Voice

Open Call for Projects from Children: My Rights, My Voice

DEADLINE: 15 October 2021

Are you 10 to 17 years old and coming from EU Member State or Andorra, and San Marino? Take part in this project!


Press cartoon competition

Press cartoon competition "The Art of Consumption": Awards ceremony 


A press cartoon competition "The Art of Consumption" open to all secondary schools in the Lower Rhine region was organised by the European Collectivity of Alsace in collaboration with the Rectorat, the international association of press cartoonists Cartooning for Peace, the press cartoonist and caricaturist Laurent Salles and the World Forum for Democracy.

Investing in the energy and ecological transition involves implementing concrete actions on a daily basis (mobility, energy savings, the fight against pollution, waste, etc.). So many themes that can be represented by the press drawing which is both a tool for information, awareness and opinion.

The contest allowed the students to question the impact of their lifestyles and consumption habits in an offbeat and humorous way.

Winners of the competition >>

Green initiatives from the Council of Europe Democratic Schools Network

Primary school Gradac, Croatia

Council of Europe Democratic Schools Network

Science and Art Center, Turkey

Melitopol specialised school n°23, Ukraine

Olena Pchilka Lyseum of Kovel, Ukraine 

Olena Pchilka Lyseum of Kovel, Ukraine 

Bertolucci High School, Italy

João da Rosa School, Portugal

Primary School Gornja Radgona, Slovenia

Velzys gymnasium, Lithuania