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Labour Inspection of Georgia representatives visit National Labour Inspection in Poland

On 10 to 12 August 2022, the representatives from Labour Inspection office (LIO) in Georgia visited the National Labour Inspectorate of Poland at the National Labour Inspectorate’s Professor Jan Rosner Memorial Training Centre in Wrocław.

Chief Labor Inspector Katarzyna Łażewska-Hrycko, together with Deputy Chief Labour Inspector, Jarosław Leśniewski, met with a delegation from the Georgian labour inspection chaired by Nato Natenadze, the first deputy of the Chief Labor Inspector. The main goal of the study visit was to share with the representatives from Georgia the practical experience of managing, planning and implementation of efficient inspection.

During the visit Georgian Delegation had the opportunity to learn more about the structure and functioning of the Labour Inspectorate in Poland. They got first-hand information and exchange of experience related to the supervision of Labour Rights and Occupational health and safety. Participants learned about different practices that Labour Inspectorate in Poland is implementing regarding the awareness raising, training of inspectors, certification programs, etc. One of the most valuable take-away of the study visit was the job shadowing component. Georgian Delegation observed Polish labor inspectors during control and supervisory activities at workplaces. The participants of the visit from Georgia were very impressed with the way the inspections were carried out by labor inspectors from Wrocław, who advised, instructed and proposed solutions to entrepreneurs to improve safety at workplaces.

Georgian delegation represented by Labour Inspection Office of Georgia as well as the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia noted that the study visit was very interesting, fruitful and instrumental in further development and institutional strengthening of the Labour Inspection office in Georgia.

The Study visit was organised within the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening Protection of Social and Economic Rights in Georgia.” The Project is part of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia 2020-2023.

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