The Council of Europe Action Plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022-2025 is a strategic programming instrument that aims to bring legislation, institutions and practice further into line with European standards in the areas of human rights, rule of law and democracy.
The joint European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye” (Horizontal Facility III) is a co-operation initiative, running from 2023 until 2026.
The importance of the European Convention on Human Rights lies in the scope of the rights and freedoms that it protects, but also in the system that it has established by creating the European Court of Human Rights.
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Policing the rights to freedom of expression, assembly and association in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Resource manual for applying human rights
The international standards, the rationale of the human rights-compliant policing of gatherings, puts emphasis on facilitation of enjoyment of the right in issue. In addition, they comprise the duty of effective investigation, disciplinary or criminal sanctions for the perpetrators of...
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Police interviewing: Resource manual for applying SPOP method
This material was prepared for the officers of the law enforcement agencies and prosecutors in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the joint programme between European Union and Council of Europe Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye “Further strengthening the treatment of detained...
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Mapping out forensic mental healthcare for vulnerable patients: A resource manual for staff
This resource manual is part of comprehensive efforts to improve the practices and treatment of specific groups of patients at the Forensic Institute, as well as the internal framework for training and professional development of medical staff, support staff and security staff.
Topic: Combating discrimination and hate speech
Riječi koje bole: Posljedice govora mržnje u Bosni i Hercegovini (BCS only)
(BCS only) Svrha ovog izvještaja je istražiti posljedice govora mržnje u Bosni i Hercegovini. Koristeći se i kvantitativnom i kvalitativnom metodologijom za prikupljanje i analizu podataka, izvještaj istražuje životna iskustva onih koji su pogođeni govorom mržnje, osvjetljavajući njihove borbe,...
Topic: Combating discrimination and hate speech
Motivacija i tipologija počinitelja kaznenih djela izazivanja mržnje (BCS only)
(BSC only) Istraživanje motivacije počinitelja kaznenih djela izazivanja mržnje nudi dublji uvid u motive koji se nalaze u pozadini individualnih ponašajnih obrazaca te je razumijevanje ovih procesa značajno kako s teorijskog tako i s praktičnog, uporabnog aspekta.
Topic: Local democracy and civic engagement
How to organise a deliberative process at the local level? A guide for local authorities
The participation of citizens in policy and decision making on matters that directly affect their lives and the future of their communities is a civil and political right and plays a crucial role in the advancement of all human rights. It is a condition for transparent and inclusive governance...
Topic: Combating violence against women and domestic violence
Good practice Guidelines for the investigation and prosecution of sexual violence offences based on the lack of consent of the victim
This document aims to assist the legal debate on reforms to sexual violence, including rape offences in Bosnia and Herzegovina by setting out guidelines for investigating and prosecuting sexual offences based on lack of consent grounded on good practices.
Topic: Combating violence against women and domestic violence
Emerging practices in the investigation and prosecution of digital violence against women
This document provides an outline of the phenomenon of online technologically facilitated violence against women. It explores the concept, the key terminologies and behaviours that amount to this type of violence, before addressing the core misconceptions and myths surrounding digital violence.
Topic: Combating human trafficking
Resource package on preventing, detecting and investigating trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation: Materials for trainers
These materials provide trainers with the resources and tools needed to educate professionals in BiH on trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation effectively. The goal is to improve the overall response to this form of trafficking in human beings and promote a more...
Topic: Combating human trafficking
Resource package on preventing, detecting and investigating trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation: Handbook
This guide aims to improve the knowledge and practices of professionals in BiH, including labour inspectors, law enforcement, employment agencies, and trade unions. It encourages joint inspections and enhances the prevention, detection, and investigation of trafficking cases, particularly in...
Topic: Local democracy and civic engagement
Preventing and combating sexism at local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This guide provides practical advice to both local authorities and associations of local and regional authorities, and possible targets of sexist violence (including sexist speech and sexual harassment) and gender-based discrimination such as female candidates and local office holders.
Topic: Freedom of expression and free access to information
Freedom of expression and information: Stakeholder mapping and analysis
This paper provides an overview of the principal institutional, civil society and international stakeholders in the field of freedom of expression and access to information, considering key actors’ capacities to impact and potential to be impacted by EFEx, and identifying and reviewing key...
Topic: Freedom of expression and free access to information
Mapping of international standards and monitoring and reporting obligations of Bosnia and Herzegovina on freedom of expression and information
The present paper presents an overview of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s reporting obligations in respect of freedom of expression and freedom of information (often understood as a constituent element of the former) under international human rights instruments and mechanisms, with accompanying...
Topic: Combating violence against women and domestic violence
Approaches taken in states parties to the Istanbul Convention on the criminalization and prosecution of sexual violence, including rape (Focus section from the 4th General Report on GREVIO activities)
In its mid-term horizontal review and subsequent baseline evaluation reports, GREVIO stresses the need to ensure that the legal definitions of sexual offences fully capture the realities of women experiencing sexual violence and their coping mechanisms to ddeal with such violence.
Topic: Combating human trafficking
Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on rights, services and support for victims of crime
Recommendation to the governments of member States to disseminate and be guided in their internal legislation and practice by the principles set out in the appendix to this recommendation which replaces Recommendation Rec(2006)8 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on assistance to...
Topic: Freedom of expression and free access to information
Towards coregulation of harmful content online in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The purpose of this study was to provide an assessment of the existing legal and regulatory framework and approaches relative to harmful content online in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to recommend concrete steps and measures for enhancing the current approach, with a particular focus on...
Topic: Combating human trafficking
Promoting gender equality and combating gender-based violence and stereotypes as means of combating trafficking in human beings
This document aims to explain the connections between trafficking in human being and gender-based violence and stereotypes, and to promote gender equality as well as support the empowerment of women in policies and practices as a means of combating the root causes of human trafficking.
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Protocols for a multidisciplinary approach to the resocialisation of offenders (BCS only)
The structured management of sanctions for convicted persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina aims to enhance both personal and public safety by reducing criminogenic behavior within prisons and promoting the rehabilitation and resocialization of inmates, as well as their reintegration into society upon...
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Police Action in line with the human rights mechanism (BCS only)
Research shows that human rights violations frequently occur during or immediately following a deprivation of liberty. These violations often include failing to inform individuals of the reasons for their detention, denying them access to legal representation, medical care, or an interpreter,...
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Information system for integrated prison management and management of prisoners' data (BCS)
If a society’s advancement is measured by its treatment of prisoners, as Dostoyevsky observed long ago, then digitalization should extend to its prison systems as well. In response to requests from entity justice ministries, a joint European Union and Council of Europe project has developed...
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Roadmap for the forensic patients' treatment (BCS only)
Bosnia and Herzegovina's legal system is founded on the presumption of innocence, meaning that police officers are obligated to protect the rights of any individual deprived of liberty. This principle is central to a joint project by the European Union and the Council of Europe, in partnership...
Informativna brošura o rizicima od trgovine ljudima u svrhu radnog iskorištavanja u inostranstvu (BCS only)
Svrha ove brošure je da građanima i građankama Bosne i Hercegovine koji se odluče na odlazak u inostranstvo pomogne pri zaštiti njihovih ljudskih prava u sferi rada, ali i šire.
Topic: Combating human trafficking
Labour trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina: risk factors, trends and challenges
The study identifies the challenges typically encountered in preventing and responding to incidents of human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, clarifies specific risk and vulnerability factors that underpin labour trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and offers suggestions on...
Topic: Combating human trafficking
Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation
Committee of Ministers Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)21 on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation calls on Council of Europe member States to adopt national laws, policies and strategies which address trafficking for the purpose of labour...
Topic: Combating discrimination and hate speech
Mapping responses to hate speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A situational analysis and mapping report
This holistic approach to mapping in BiH was designed to include a range of stakeholders from various institutions and organisations in a process of research aimed at identifying causes, manifestations and consequences of hate speech at all levels of society.
Topic: Local democracy and civic engagement
Handbook on Open Local Government and Public Ethics
Transparency and citizen participation are key concepts in the development of good governance. Both help to create the conditions for citizens to understand and evaluate the decisions that the government is taking on their behalf, as well as to ensure that their own needs and views are taken into...
Topic: Combating human trafficking
GRETA Report - Online and technology-facilitated trafficking in human beings
The study offers an assessment of the extent to which technology impacts trafficking in human beings as well as an exploration of the traffickers’ modus operandi in the context of online and technology-facilitated trafficking in human beings.
Topic: Combating human trafficking
Assessing the age of children at risk of trafficking in human beings in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This study aimed to assess the relevance of age assessment in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to map and review the applicable law and policy frameworks and institutional mandates, as well as the current practice. It explored opportunities for strengthening or developing an age assessment procedure that...
Topic: Local democracy and civic engagement
How to make your town a better place
Sustainable development means making the world a better place for everyone now without causing harm for future generations. In this booklet, we will show you how you can get involved in this big plan in your own town!
Topic: Combating violence against women and domestic violence
GREVIO General Recommendation No. 1 on the digital dimension of violence against women
The digital dimension of violence against women encompasses a wide range of acts online or through technology that are part of the continuum of violence that women and girls experience for reasons related to their gender, including in the domestic sphere, in that it is a legitimate and equally...
Topic: Efficiency and quality of justice
Human rights training curriculum for initial and continuous training of judges and prosecutors
This report is organized into two main parts. The first offers an overview of the system of initial and continuous training available to (perspective) judges and prosecutors. The second part consists of the provision of a set of human rights training plans to be integrated in the initial and...
Topic: Combating human trafficking
Guidelines for the Development and Adoption of Instruments at All Levels of Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Protection of the Private Life and Personal Data of Victims of Human Trafficking
The present Guidelines are intended as recommendations for all levels of government and all professionals in Bosnia and Herzegovina that deal with victims of trafficking, as well as to members of the media when they publish articles, so as to prevent possible adverse consequences if information...
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Human rights of persons deprived of liberty in police custody
The purpose of this handbook is to harmonize dealing(s) with persons deprived of liberty among various law enforcement agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Obligation of each member state of the Council of Europe is to ensure transparent work of its law enforcement officials, enabling...
Topic: Combating human trafficking
The phenomenon of child trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The study analyses current trends in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) concerning child trafficking and assesses official responses to child trafficking against international and European regional standards.
Topic: Efficiency and quality of justice
Izučavanje ljudskih prava na pravnim fakultetima u Bosni i Hercegovini (BCS only)
(BCS only) Cilj ove studije jeste da ispita na koji način i do koje mjere se ljudska prava izučavaju na državnim (javnim) pravnim fakultetima u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Principles on effective interviewing for investigations and information gathering
These Principles are the distillation of experiences in a wide range of countries where law enforcement and security forces use effective interviewing which leads to better results in obtaining accurate and reliable information. The information gathered in this way also preserves the integrity...
Topic: Efficiency and quality of justice
Analysis of the legal framework governing the protection of the right to trial within a reasonable time
The aim of this Report is to detect at an early stage any difficulties that may be encountered during the implementation of the laws governing the protection of the right to trial within a reasonable time in Bosnia and Herzegovina, based on an assessment of the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina...
Topic: Combating discrimination and hate speech
Manual for civil servants in Bosnia and Herzegovina for recognizing and dealing with hate speech cases
The main goal of this manual is to demonstrate, in an understandable way, the inadmissibility and harmfulness of hate speech and explain the existing mechanisms for prevention, protection of victims and sanctioning of perpetrators.
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
A brief introduction to policing public gatherings - A guide for practitioners
This guide is intended for police officers who will be tasked with facilitating and managing public assembly. The emphasis is on informing and reminding the individual officer of their responsibilities and how best these responsibilities can be upheld. It is also intended to provide officers with...
European Charter of Local Self-Government
The European Charter of Local Self-Government lays down standards, principles, and practices for protecting the rights of local authorities, including the right of citizens to participate in public affairs, as well as the rights of communities to have their own structures and resources, and elect...
Topic: Freedom of expression and free access to information
Regulation of political advertising: A comparative study with reflections on the situation in South East Europe
This Study is prepared having in mind all the issues and related questions identified by the beneficiaries, from the perspective of relevant European standards, presenting examples of legal frameworks and practices of a series of diverse and potentially relevant European countries, and concluding...
Topic: Freedom of expression and free access to information
Guidelines on safeguarding privacy in the media
The present guidelines comprise a collection of standards of the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights concerning the protection of privacy of public figures and private individuals in the media. They also include data protection principles based on various regulatory...
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Handbook for training of trainers in the law enforcement agencies (preview)
The purpose of this manual is twofold and it can be used as: Supporting material in the preparation of institutional and other staff training programmes on the topic of human rights, and assistance in professional development of more experienced staff of the law enforcement agencies involved in...
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Handbook for prisoner management and enhancing human rights in closed environment (preview)
The purpose of Handbook and human rights standards contained herein is not to replace the good existing local practices but to complement and enrich them with recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT).
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Protocols for enhancing health care and human rights in closed environment (preview)
The purpose of the Protocols is twofold: they can be used to support initial training and raise the medical officers’ awareness of the closed custodial environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or to support the in-service training delivered to more experienced medical staff and har-monise...
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Guidelines for dealing with persons deprived of liberty in closed environment (preview)
The purpose of Guidelines and human rights standards contained herein is not to replace the good existing local practices but to complement and enrich them with recommendations of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT).
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Protocols for treatment of mentally challenged offenders in forensic facilities (preview)
The purpose of the Protocols is three-tiered and they may be used as: supporting material in the initial training of newly employed staff, i.e., as a way to introduce the topic of human rights protection; assistance in professional development of more experienced medical staff in the area of...
Topic: Local democracy and civic engagement
Fighting nepotism within local and regional authorities
This report sets out standards for good practice and presents strategies for preventing corruption in the recruitment procedures of local and regional governments. It discusses the negative impacts of nepotism on organisational performance and culture and argues that these can be diminished by...
Topic: Freedom of expression and free access to information
Regulatory agencies for media and protection of minors (BCS only)
The purpose of this publication is to contribute to a broader conceptual understanding of the protection of minors from harmful audio-visual media content, the role of regulatory agencies in this regard, the need to involve various stakeholders to ensure a safe environment for the development of...
Topic: Local democracy and civic engagement
Administrative resources and fair elections
This booklet is to help you understand the misuse of administrative resources in elections. This is an issue that observers from the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe have encountered in numerous elections, and one which undermines an important pillar of our...
Topic: Local democracy and civic engagement
European code of conduct for all persons involved in local and regional governance
The purpose of the European Code of Conduct for all Persons Involved in Local and Regional Governance is to set out at European level the ethical principles and standards approved by the elected representatives of local and regional authorities of the 47 Council of Europe member States.
Topic: Local democracy and civic engagement
Conflicts of interest at local and regional levels
While conflicts of interest occur in all aspects of public life, local and regional authorities are particularly at risk, by virtue of their proximity and closer contacts with citizens and local entrepreneurs. Although most countries have now regulated on this issue, the result is too often a...
Topic: Local democracy and civic engagement
Making public procurement transparent at local and regional levels
This report examines the systemic problems in local and regional government procurement which create corruption risks, such as weak contracting expertise, the “revolving door” phenomenon, or lack of transparency, and suggests practical steps that local and regional authorities can take to reduce...
Topic: Local democracy and civic engagement
Transparency and open government
This report highlights the potential of open governance to improve democracy at local and regional levels. It explores the concept of ‘Open government’ and identifies local government activities to which it can apply, such as budgeting, law making, policy making, contracting and service delivery.
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
A brief introduction to investigative interviewing - A practitioner’s guide
This brief introductory guide on investigative interviewing aims to give police officers an effective tool and the knowledge and skills needed to apply that tool in the course of their investigations. It is informed by modern scientific research as to what works and by the real-life experiences...
Topic: Local democracy and civic engagement
The protection of whistleblowers
This report provides an overview of the issues regarding whistleblowing, outlines the legal protection of whistleblowers in member States, examines the standards provided by international organisations and highlights challenges and opportunities for the local and regional protection of...
Topic: Freedom of expression and free access to information
Media regulatory authorities and hate speech
The aim of this publication is, among other things, to contribute to a wider understanding of the concept of hate speech, what it does and does not constitute, to offer a starting point in terms of providing recommendations and mechanisms for fighting against and preventing it, and to facilitate...
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Guidelines for creating of programs of actions and individual plans for dealing with the vulnerable categories of prisoners in prisons in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BCS only)
These guidelines support the development of individualized treatment programs for inmates in vulnerable categories, tailored to their specific circumstances, needs, and assessed risks, and based on the established standards outlined in this document. (Available only in BCS)
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Training manual on the additional skills of prison officials with operational procedures (BCS only)
The purpose of this Prison Staff Training Manual with operative procedures is to help prison managers build upon existing good practices in the facilities they supervise, support prison staff in enhancing their work outcomes, and improve the conditions under which detainees serve pre-trial...
Topic: Enhancing human rights protection for detained and sentenced persons
Training manual about basic abilities of prison officials with operational procedures (BCS only)
The purpose of this Manual is to support prison managers in building upon effective practices within their facilities, the work of their staff, and the conditions in which detainees and prisoners are held, whether they are in pre-trial detention or serving a prison sentence. (Available only in BCS)
Odabrana sudska praksa Evropskog suda za ljudska prava i Suda pravde Evropske unije (Serbian, 2020)
Ova publikacija nastoji da doprinese naporima učinjenim na evropskom nivou. Priređivanjem odabranih presuda dva nadnacionalna suda pruža se materijal i istovremeno ostavlja prostor za kritičku analizu i upoređivanje pristupa dva suda problematici zaštite autoriteta i ugleda nosilaca pravosudnih funkcija odnosno pravosuđa u celini.
Odabrani dokumenti Venecijanske komisije i Komiteta ministara Saveta Evrope (Serbian, 2020)
Ova dokumenta sublimiraju minimum konsenzusa zemalja članica Saveta Evrope o neophodnim elementima vladavine prava, preduslovima nezavisnosti pravosuđa, položaju, pravima i odgovornostima sudija, kao i merama za poboljšanje demokratske prirode izbora i referenduma u državama članicama Saveta Evrope.
Mišljenja Konsultativnog veća evropskih tužilaca (Serbian, 2020)
Na putu ka nezavisnom pravosuđu, u našem slučaju nezavisnom tužilaštvu, treba da nam pomognu Evropski standardi, inkorporisani u 14 mišljenja CCPE. Objavljena mišljenja, po svojoj sadržini, obuhvataju značajne segmente rada i organizacije javnog tužilaštva kao celine. Takođe, bave se uspostavljanjem standarda u borbi protiv različitih vidova kriminala iz ugla javnog tužioca.
Mišljenja Konsultativnog veća evropskih sudija i Magna Carta sudija (Serbian, 2020)
Pomenuti dokumenti bave se važnim i uvek aktuelnim pitanjima, kao što su nezavisnost sudstva, položaj sudske vlasti i njen odnos prema drugim dvema granama vlasti u modernim demokratijama, finansiranje i upravljanje pravosuđem u vezi sa njegovom efikasnošću, sudski saveti, principi etičkog i nespojivog ponašanja i odgovornosti sudija, kvalitet sudskih odluka, vrednovanje rada sudija, njihovo stručno usavršavanje, između ostalog.
The individual application under the European Convention on Human Rights (2019)
This book, which is a practical guide aimed at both professional lawyers and potential applicants, clearly and comprehensively describes and analyses the main stages in the processing of an application before the organs of the European Convention on Human Rights. Detailed descriptions are provided of the Convention system, the Rules of the European Court of Human Rights and the procedures which the Court has developed to expedite and optimise case processing.