Back Council of Europe continues to work on strengthening media and information literacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In order to review the progress made so far, present the project’s key highlights of 2021 and discuss the challenges and opportunities, the Second Board Meeting of the project Media and information literacy: for human rights and more democracy (MIL) was held on 21 February 2022, in an online form.

Furthermore, the meeting also served as the platform to discuss and plan the course of action until the end of the project, that is 31 December 2022. The workplan was endorsed by the Project Board members and the plan of action was confirmed. It was emphasised that the Council of Europe remains dedicated to working with the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina in supporting the development of human rights, and the skills in the field of media and information literacy, that are necessary for the functioning of a democratic state.

The project is implemented by the Council of Europe, within the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018-2021.  The Action Plan level funding for this particular project is provided by Luxembourg and Norway.

online - Bosnia and Herzegovina 21 February 2022
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About the project


Media and Information Literacy: for Human Rights and More Democracy Project (2020 – 2022)

The Media and Information Literacy: for Human Rights and More Democracy project will make a contribution to increasing media and information literacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in line with Council of Europe and international standards, in particular in regard to the media literacy-related provisions of the Recommendation CM/Rec (2018)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on media pluralism and transparency of media ownership.


In more concrete terms, the project has two main objectives:

i) first, strengthening BiH key MIL stakeholders’ capacity to understand and contribute to the creation; subsequent implementation; and monitoring and evaluation of a strategic, state-wide MIL framework.

ii) second, increasing awareness of MIL stakeholders of the importance and complexity of MIL in the specific context of BiH; and stakeholders’ capacities to create and promote MIL content.


The objectives of the project will be met through two main components planned between 2020 and 2022, namely:

a) Strengthening knowledge, skills and capacities of the CRA to advance European standards for regulation, self-regulation and co-regulation aimed at improving the performance of and trust in the media, including as part of an overall policy and strategic framework for Media and Information Literacy in BiH.

b) Developing research and creating specific MIL content, aimed at enhancing the awareness of MIL stakeholders of the importance and complexity of MIL, in particular in the context of BiH.


Project summary can be found HERE