
Back The Council of Europe ensures systematic, comprehensive, and measurable Human Rights Education for legal professionals

The Council of Europe held two trainings within the Initial Training Program for 39 newly appointed judges and prosecutors in cooperation with Judicial and Prosecutorial Training Centres of FBiH and RS.

The trainings were delivered in accordance with the newly developed Human Rights Training Curriculum for Initial and Continuous Training of Judges and Prosecutors.  The curriculum consists of 12 modules, including also the on-line learning methodology of the Council of Europe HELP platform, and is primarily intended for initial training for legal associates and newly appointed judicial office holders, but it is also applicable for the continuous training. It applies special adults learning methodology focused on knowledge and presentation skills.

The first training, held form 8-9 September 2022, focused on the first two modules of the Curriculum: Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights and Principles of Interpretation and development of case-law research skills. The second training covered the Procedural Rights, basic and advanced modules and was held from 15-16 September 2022. The success of the trainings were assessed in accordance with the Council of Europe’s Methodology for Evaluation of Human Rights Training, which is integrated in the Curriculum.

The trainings were delivered by Council of Europe’s experienced trainers together with the trained trainers within two sessions of train-the-trainers activities.

The activities were carried out within the project “Initiative for Legal Certainty and Efficient Judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Phase III”, implemented by the Council of Europe thanks to the voluntary contribution of the Government of Norway.

Bosnia and Herzegovina 8-9 September 2022
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Project title

Initiative for Legal Certainty and Efficient Judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Phase III


Bosnia and Herzegovina


700 000 EUR


The Project is funded by voluntary contributions in the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina



24 months (1 January 2021 – 31 December 2023)

Partners and beneficiaries

Ministries of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of BiH and Republika Srpska,  High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Supreme Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Supreme Court of Republika Srpska, Appellate Court of Brčko District; Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Judicial and Prosecutorial Training Centres of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska; Law faculties of Universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina; judiciary in BiH, Office of Government Agents before the ECtHR.

Main objective

To ensure a better protection of human rights of individuals under the jurisdiction of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the help of an efficient judiciary which delivers a timely, high-quality and coherent justice in line with the ECHR standards and the ECtHR case law.

What do we expect to achieve?

  • Enhancement of fora and measures for harmonisation of judicial practice and prevention of conflicting case-law;
  • Strengthening the mechanism for the execution of the ECtHR judgments as a prerequisite for effective and uniform national implementation of ECHR standards.
  • Strengthening the capacities of legal professionals to apply ECHR standards in coherent manner.
  • Improved efficiency of courts and ensured better judicial protection for citizens in line with the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights;
  • Strengthened capacity of National Training Institutions for judges and prosecutors in delivering a structured human rights training;
  • Support to law faculties to provide human rights training.

Key activities

- Development of a structured training modules in line with Human rights training curriculum for initial and continuous training of judges and prosecutors;

- Delivering of a structured training for judges/legal advisors from the case-law departments of the highest courts on consistency of judicial case-law and early identification of case law inconsistency and ECHR standards;

- Training of the representatives of Office of Government Agents before the ECtHR trained on execution process procedures and legal drafting of execution process related documents;

- Providing support to the national institutions in the process of execution of ECtHR judgements;

- Establishment of a pool of trainers for initial training for newly appointed judges and prosecutors;

- Thematic extracurricular activities on the ECHR standards for law students in Bosnia and Herzegovina;

- Establishment of preconditions for a systemic introduction of a Human Rights curriculum at the public law faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina.