Combating digital and sexual violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The project aims to ensure that victims of digital and sexual violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina enjoy their rights in line with Council of Europe standards, and in particular with the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention).
About the Project
In order to ensure victim’s right, the project will support Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities to align their policies, legislation and practice on digital and sexual violence against women with the Council of Europe standards, in particular the Istanbul Convention, ECtHR case law and EU Acquis. It responds to the drastic rise in the prevalence of violence against women, including new types of digital violence against women[1]. The 2022 GREVIO evaluation report underlines the gaps between the legislative, policy and implementation levels, and the continuous need to train professionals to adequately respond to the needs of victims. The project will analyse the legal and policy frameworks and practices to harmonise them with GREVIO’s findings and provide targeted support to key actors. It will raise awareness among the general public and strengthen the capacity of relevant authorities on preventing and combating digital and sexual violence as specific types of violence against women.
- Agency for Gender Equality of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Gender Centre of Republika Srpska
- Gender Centre of the Federation of BiH
- Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Ministry of Justice of the Federation of BiH
- Ministry of Justice of the Republika Srpska
- Ministry of Interior of Federation BiH
- Ministry of Interior of Republika Srpska
The project also co-operates with civil society organisations that support women victims of sexual and digital violence against women.
1 June 2023 – 30 November 2024
Council of Europe Action Plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022 - 2025
[1] OSCE, 2019, “OSCE-led survey on violence against women: Bosnia and Herzegovina” (
- Good practice Guidelines for the investigation and prosecution of sexual violence offences based on the lack of consent of the victim
- Emerging practices in the investigation and prosecution of digital violence against women
- Approaches taken in states parties to the Istanbul Convention on the criminalization and prosecution of sexual violence, including rape (Focus section from the 4th General Report on GREVIO activities)
- GREVIO General Recommendation No. 1 on the digital dimension of violence against women
Action implemented by
Capacity Building and Co-operation Projects Unit at the Council of Europe`s Gender Equality Division
Project Manager
together with
Council of Europe Office in Sarajevo
Senior Project Officer
Project Assistant