Back 10th meeting of the Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma and Traveller civil society - Call for applications

Deadline for application: 8 November 2020
10th meeting of the  Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma and Traveller civil society - Call for applications

Call for applications to participate in the 10th meeting of the Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma and Traveller civil society on “Combating hate speech directed against Roma and Travellers”


The 10th meeting of the Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma and Traveller civil society is scheduled to take place on 26-27 November 2020 ONLINE via the KUDO conferencing system (subject to confirmation in the light of further developments of the COVID-19 crisis).

The meeting will take stock of the characteristics and prevalence of hate speech faced by Roma and Traveller communities and the impact of the COVID-19 crisis in this context. Participants are also invited to present and discuss different civil society and member state measures and good practices in combating hate speech.

The meeting will:

  • bring together different Roma and Traveller civil society organisations and international organisations concerned by the increasing prevalence of hate speech;
  • aim to develop co-operation between these organisations to combat this phenomenon;
  • take stock of the definition and prevalence of hate speech against Roma and Travellers, with special focus on its characteristics in different member states;
  • provide an overview of relevant international legal and normative instruments and case-law on hate speech at European level;
  • highlight the main provisions relevant to Roma and Travellers in the media, and authorities that have specific roles and responsibilities concerning the regulation of hate speech;
  • develop counter narratives in the public space in both traditional and new media;
  • identify possible gaps in national legislation, policy and practice concerning support services for Roma and Traveller victims of hate speech;
  • counter hate speech through sharing good institutional practices and exemplary civil society initiatives from different member states.


Expected outcomes:

  • increased knowledge of the prevalence of hate speech directed against Roma and Travellers;
  • increased understanding of the role of Roma and Traveller civil society and the tools available to actively contribute to the work of combating hate speech;
  • increased awareness of Council of Europe instruments, tools and activities to combat hate speech.


Selection criteria for Dialogue participants:

  • experience and expertise regarding the priorities of the Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020-2025);
  • geographical representation of the participants at national and regional levels and across Council of Europe member States;
  • age and gender balance;
  • current or latest contribution or project implementation in the field of combating hate speech;
  • contributions to developing standards against hate speech and to monitoring their implementation;
  • ability to work orally and in writing in at least one of the official languages of the Council of Europe (English or French) or in Romani;
  • personal motivation.


The call is open to representatives of Roma and Traveller civil society organisations.

Interested candidates must complete an online Application Form by 8 November 2020, midnight, Central European Time (CET).

Incomplete applications or applications received after that deadline will not be considered.

Only successful applicants will be informed.

Notifications will be sent out in the week of 16-20 November 2020.


Europutne Konsilosko Dijalogo e Romane thaj Phirutnengere civilnikane societasar - Akharipe vash participacija

Putardo akharipe vash participacija pe 10-to kidipe katar Europutne Konsilosko Dijalogo e Romane thaj Phirutnengere civilnikane societasar pe “Maripen mamuj e dzungali vorba karin le Rom thaj Phirutne”

10-to kidipe katar Europutne Konsilosko Dijalogo e Romane thaj Phirutnengere civilnikane societasar kam lel than ko 26-27 novembro 2020 ande KUDO online konferencijako sistemo (kado si inicijalno plano savo kam shaj paruvel pe lindor sama pal e COVID-19).

O kidipe kam lel sama pal e khetaneskere harakteristike katar e dzungali vorba karin le Romane thaj le Phirutnengire komunitetura thaj o impakto katar le COVID-19-kiri kriza ande kado konteksto. Le participantura si akharde te prezentirin thaj te den duma pal le ver-ver solucie thaj sukar-praktike katar e civilnikane societestar thaj katar le thema membrura anda le Europutno Konsilo kash te marel pe le dzungali vorba.  

O kidipe kam:

  • anel khetaneste ver-ver Romengere that Phirutnengere civilnikane organizacie thaj internacionalno organizacie save keren bukji pal e dzungali vorba;
  • del possibiliteto te vazdel pe khetanesko butikeribe maskharkadala organizacie kas te marel zurales kado fenomeno;
  • dikhel pal e definicia thaj e frekfencija katar e dzungali vorba karin le Rom thaj le Phirutne, lendor sama pal e specijalno fokuso katar e harakteristike and ver-ver thema membrura ande Konsilo;  
  • sikavel jekh dikhipe katar e internacionalno legalna thaj normativna instrumentura thaj zakonura pal e dzungali vorba ande Evropako nivelo;
  • dikhel pal e aktivitetura relevantna pe Romane thaj Phirutnengere organizacie ande medie save si len konkretno responsabiliteto thaj rolja ando maripen thaj regulacia le dzungale vorbaki;
  • kreiril narativura vash e tradicionalno thaj neve medie save azutin o maripen mamuj e dzungali vorba;
  • identifikuil le h’va ande nacionalno legislativ, politike thaj praktike phangle azutimaskere servisura vash le Romane vaj Phirutne viktimura katar e dzungali vorba;
  • marel e dzungali vorba le lashe insitucionalne praktike thaj inicijative katar o civilno societeto ande thema.


Rezultatura save azukeren pe katar o kidipe:

  • increased knowledge of the prevalence of hate speech directed against Roma and Travellers;
  • increased understanding of the role of Roma and Traveller civil society and the tools available to actively contribute to the work of combating hate speech;
  • increased awareness of Council of Europe instruments, tools and activities to combat hate speech.


Kriteriumo vas e selekcija le participatongiri:

  • ekspreienca thaj ekspertiza pal e prioritetura katar e Europutne Konsilosko Strategikano Akcijako Plano vash e Romengi thaj Phirutnengi Inkluzija(2020-2025);
  • participatongi geografsko reprezentacija pe nacionalno, regionalno nivelo thaj ande thema membrura ando Europutno Konsilo;
  • balance maskhar phure-terne thaj mursha-dzuvlja ;
  • aktualno vaj palutni kontribucija vaj projektosko implementiribe phanglo dzungale vorbasa;
  • Kontribucie kash te vazden pe standardura mamuj e dzungali vorba thaj monitoringo pe lengiri implementacija;
  • shaipe te den duma thaj te hramosaren ande jekh katar e oficijalno shiba save den pe duma ande Konsilo la Evropako (Anglizitsko caj Francuzitsko) vaj Romane;
  • Personalno motivacija.


Kado akharipe si puterdo vash le reprezentantura katar e Romane thaj Phirutne civilno societetoskere organizacie.

Le kandidatura save si lem intereso musaj te kompletirin le Aplikacijakoro formularo dzi ko 8-to novembro 2020,Centralno Evropaki Vrama (CEV).

Le aplikacie save chi si komplementirime thaj kodola so avile pal o finalno datumo vash apliciribe chi kam oven line pe sama.

Numa e kandidatura save si akceptiripe te len than kam oven informirime.

E informacija kam ovel bishaldi ande kurko katar 16 – 20 novembro 2020.

Strasbourg 26 October 2020
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