Back Genuine political commitment needed to protect press freedom

Genuine political commitment needed to protect press freedom

“The state of journalists’ freedom and safety in Europe has reached an alarming point. The killing of journalist Lyra McKee and the violence and intimidations against journalists covering demonstrations in several European countries are the most recent examples which show that press freedom in Europe is deteriorating”, said today Dunja Mijatović, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, ahead of World Press Freedom Day.

“Over the past decades, World Press Freedom Day has provided an occasion to reflect on the state of press freedom and promote free, diverse and safe journalism. The problems are therefore well known, as are the standards and actionable solutions available to State authorities to increase journalists’ safety and freedom.

Reversing the current worrying trend is more a question of political will than of means. Member states should fully implement the standards that they adhered to."

Commissioner for Human Rights Strasbourg 2 May 2019
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