Cybercrime policies/strategies
Although Seychelles does not have a specific cybercrime strategy, the Seychelles Police Strategic Plan 2017 to 2019 makes reference to cybercrime.
National ICT Policy contains five policy objectives (ICT infrastructure; Legal and regulatory framework - including on computer and computer-related crime and security; Human resource development; Industry; Government), the legal and regulatory framework objective including computer and computer-related crime and security.
Cybercrime legislation
State of cybercrime legislation
Specific legislation on cybercime has been enacted through the Computer Misuse Act 1998.
Substantive law
Computer Misuse Act 1998 criminalises: Art. 3 Unauthorised access to computer; Art. 4 Unauthorised access with criminal intent; Art. 5 Unauthorised modification of computer material (referring to system interference); Art. 7 attempt, conspiracy.
Procedural law
The Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles protects the Fundamental Liberties.
Related laws and regulations
Specialised institutions
International cooperation
Jurisprudence/case law
These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe.
Are you aware of the latest legislative or policy developments on cybercrime and electronic evidence?
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- Cybercrime website
- Template: Mutual Legal Assistance Request for subscriber information (Art. 31 Budapest Convention). English and bilingual versions available.
- Template: Data Preservation Request (Articles 29 and 30 Budapest Convention). English and bilingual versions available.