The main objective is to support the Montenegrin authorities to further align the legal framework with the EU acquis, thus ensuring that the rights of suspects, accused persons and victims in criminal proceedings are effectively protected. In the context of the EU negotiation process, the Action contributes to transposition of EU directives into national legislation and effective implementation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) at the national level.

The main partners and beneficiaries of the Action are: the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Prosecution Offices, Ministry of justice, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Minister for Human and Minority Rights, Judicial Training Centre, State Agent before the European Court of Human Rights, Police Directorate, Law Faculties, Bar Association, Free Legal Aid offices and Human Rights specialised NGOs.

The following results are expected:

  • Improved legal framework and practice concerning the procedural rights and victims’ rights in line with the EU directives and ECtHR case law
  • Enhanced free legal aid mechanisms at the national level for disadvantaged and marginalised groups
  • Reinforced inter-judicial dialogue in the field of human rights protection
  • Improved legal reasoning and implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights in judicial proceedings, specifically targeting Articles 2, 3, 5 and 8 of the Convention
  • Reinforced human rights education at the law faculties through the human rights clinical legal trainings

Project information

  • Duration: 36 months (24 May 2019 - 23 May 2022)
  • Place/ country: Montenegro
  • Budget: 900 000 EUR
  • Funding: European Union/Council of Europe Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey

Project documentation

Useful links


  • Gender analysis and recommendations for strengthening the inclusion of gender perspective in the implementation of the Action - ENG
  • Handbook on caselaw of the European Court of Human Rights in relation to Right to Property (Article 1, Protocol 1) - MON
  • Manual on conducting effective investigations in the cases of ill-treatment - ENG - MON
  • Bulletin of the Administrative Court of Montenegro - MON
  • Toolkit on human rights protection in extraordinary circumstances- ENG - MON
  • Procedural rights of persons deprived of liberty in non-criminal proceedings -ENG- MON
  • Right to property in the context of Article 1 Protocol 1 to the ECHR - ENG - MON
  • Leaflet on Free Legal Aid Offices MON- ALB
  • Leaflet on the Work of Victim Support Services MON
  • Bulletin of the Constitutional Court of Montenegro MON
  • Protocol for support services for witness and victims of trafficking in human beings and domestic violence- ENG - MON