Back Round table for judges and courts' presidents on remedying the excessive length of judicial proceedings

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The round table, organised on 7 and 8 June in Mostar, gathered 15 judges and presidents of courts to discuss how the shortcomings of the legal framework governing the protection of the right to a trial within a reasonable time could be overcome in practice. Particular attention was given to the amount of compensation to be awarded for non-pecuniary damages on ground of a breach of the reasonable time, as highlighted in the Analyses of the legal framework, developed earlier within the project.

This activity was organised in cooperation with the Judicial and Prosecutorial Training Centre of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina within the project: “Initiative for Legal Certainty and Efficient Judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina- Phase II”, implemented by the Council of Europe and funded by the Kingdom of Norway.

  Analysis of the legal framework governing the protection of the right to trial withing a reasonable time 

Sarajevo 7-8 June 2021
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