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Alan Phillips

Alan Phillips passed away on 28 April 2023. He was one of the early members of the Advisory Committee and its President from 2006 to 2010. His long career was always devoted to minorities and other disadvantaged persons, such as refugees. After leaving Minority Rights Group International, where he served as Director, he became an international human rights adviser until his very last days. 

His human and professional legacy will be cherished in the Advisory Committee, by those who had the pleasure to work with him as well as by those who did not know him personally. Alan’s contribution to the development of the rights of persons belonging to minorities in Europe and beyond has been remarkable and continues to inspire our work. He was pivotal in drafting the Advisory Committee’s Thematic Commentary on effective participation of persons belonging to minorities, which remains a key instrument to assess and advice on policies that would ensure effective participation of persons belonging to minorities in all walks of life. 

We will always remember and honour Alan as a wonderful person and an extraordinary colleague. Rest in peace, Alan. 

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Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities

Council of Europe
Agora Building
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