Back World views and mass media in the classroom

This unit introduces participants to the concept of world knowledge and makes them reflect on world views in the classroom by using a tool that is part of the everyday: the mass media. The mass media is an instrument that shapes, develops, creates and changes our world views and world knowledge, feeding us with information, extending and deepening our knowledge. But while it is essential to expand our world knowledge, it is also crucial to develop a critical perspective (world view) on the mass media that includes the media tools themselves and the strategies they use. Harmonising our world views and our world knowledge is essential because it helps us to live in harmony together with this big world we live in.

The unit, developed within the Pestalozzi Programme, can be used at initial and in-service training of secondary education teachers.

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To cite this resource: Palagniuc, C. (2012). World views and mass media in the classroom. Council of Europe, Pestalozzi Programme Training Units.

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