Back School timetable as a didactic tool that triggers good preparation for a school exchange

This resource, developed as part of the Pestalozzi Programme, is designed to familiarize teachers with school exchanges and how to better prepare them. The language teacher, accompanied by other teachers, is the best guarantor of good communication between the people involved in school exchanges. He or she must solve problems, act as an interpreter and facilitator. To give him some ideas for action to be taken in order to better prepare the exchange, we facilitate his task by providing him with some prepared documents, the questionnaires developed and the scenarios for the actions to be taken. He should not apply the activity sheets to the letter, he can use our documents to go further according to his needs and the needs of the students. He can/should take into consideration the expectations, attitudes, experiences of his students, the school and social environment in which they are integrated, their imagination and creativity.

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To cite this resource: Klimek-Kowalska,R, B. (2012). Emploi Du Temps Scolaire Comme Outil Didactique Déclencheur D'une Bonne Préparation D'un échange Scolaire.  In Council of Europe Pestalozzi Programme Training Units.

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