Combating violence against children in Ukraine - Phase III
The project objective is to strengthen the response to violence against children, including online child sexual exploitation and abuse, in Ukraine.
The Project will focus on supporting authorities, specialists, and civil society to protect and promote children’s rights in the digital environment and will also address the protection of children against violence, including child sexual abuse and exploitation, as well as prevention of peer-to peer violence.
The project is a direct follow-up of the previous Council of Europe projects "Combating violence against women and children" (2017-2018), and "Combating violence against children in Ukraine, Phase II" (2020-2021).
The project will be implemented within the framework of Council of Europe action plan for Ukraine (2018-2022) by the Council of Europe Children's Rights Division and in close cooperation with the Council of Europe Office in Kyiv during 2022-2023
Since 2012 Ukraine has been a party to the Council of Europe Convention on Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Convention), which is the most ambitious and comprehensive international legal instrument aimed at preventing violence and protecting children from sexual exploitation and sexual violence, as well as bringing perpetrators to justice and promoting international cooperation in these areas.
The project activities are based on three priority areas of the Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022-2027): a life free from violence, child-friendly justice, and rights of the child in the digital environment.
Based on the achievements of previous projects, the activities of the Project will promote and be further guided by recommendations and guidelines of the Council of Europe on Integrated National Strategies for the Protection of Children from Violence (CM/Rec (2009)), Child-friendly justice (CM/Rec (2010)) and Guidelines to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment (CM/Rec(2018)).
The project itself promotes the implementation of these international standards and builds on the progress and work already carried out at national level. The objectives and goals of the project shall be in line with the following legal acts:
- National Strategy for Reforming the System of Justice for Children by 2023, approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on December 18, 2018 №1027-r.;
- State Social Program "National Action Plan for the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child" for the period up to 2021, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on May 30, 2018 № 453;
- Law of Ukraine “On Childhood Protection” of 26.04.2001;
- Law of Ukraine No. 3055 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (The Lanzarote Convention)" of 18.02.2021.
Interagency cooperation
Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Convention) will be better coordinated both at local interagency and national policy levels through training, expert support and provision of recommendations. A coordinated response to child sexual abuse will be ensured by all the relevant stakeholders.
- Council of Europe Convention on Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Convention) ratified by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 20.06.2012;
- Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022-2027);
- Council of Europe action plan for Ukraine (2018-2022);
- Feasibility assessment of piloting Barnahus model in Ukraine;
- Guidelines for interviewing children who have witnessed and / or been victims of violence and who have committed violence.
Legal and policy framework
The current legal and policy framework will be analysed and assessed with focus on legislation and policies relevant to violence against children, including domestic violence, child sexual exploitation and abuse. Throughout the project implementation, Recommendations, tools and other support will be provided and developed to ensure the best interests of the child in proceedings.
Council of Europe standards
- European Convention on Human Rights of 04.11.1950 ratified by Ukrainian Parliament on 17.07.1997 and entered into force on 11.09.1997;
- Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Convention) of 25.10.2007, ratified by the Ukrainian Parliament on 20.06.2012;
- Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022-2027);
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)7 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on Guidelines to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment;
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)4 and explanatory memorandum "Preventing and Resolving Disputes on Child Relocation";
- Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on child friendly justice;
- Explanatory report on the applicability of the Lanzarote Convention to sexual crimes against children promoted by the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs);
- Council of Europe Policy guidelines on integrated national strategies for the protection of children from violence;
- Council of Europe Action plan for Ukraine (2018-2021) approved by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 21 February 2018;
- Leaflets with clarifications of the articles of Lanzarote Convention:
National regulatory framework
- National justice reform strategy for children for the period up to 2023, approved by Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1027 on 18 December 2018.;
- State social program "National Action Plan for the implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of the child" for the period up to 2021, approved by resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 453 of 30 May 2018;
- Law of Ukraine "On child protection" of 26 April 2001;
- Procedure for interaction of entities implementing measures in the field of preventing and countering domestic violence and gender-based violence, approved by resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 658 of August 22, 2018;
- Law of Ukraine "on amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine concerning countering bullying (bullying)" dated December 18, 2018;
- Law of Ukraine No. 3055 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (The Lanzarote Convention)" of 18.02.2021.
- Decree of The President Of Ukraine No. 398/2020 On urgent measures to prevent and counteract domestic violence, gender-based violence, and protect the rights of persons affected by such violence;
- National Strategy for Human Rights for 2021-2023, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of 24 March 2021;
- National Strategy for the Reform of the Juvenile Justice System until 2023.
Training and capacity building
Legal professionals will be trained on child-friendly justice, family law and online child sexual exploitation and abuse. Social workers, educators, teachers and parents will be trained to prevent, detect sexual exploitation and abuse of children and respond to violence, as well as to promote safe behavior of children on the Internet.
- Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Convention) of 25.10.2007, ratified by the Ukrainian Parliament on 20.06.2012;
- Internet Literacy Handbook;
- Council of Europe Handbook on children’s participation “Listen – Act – Change”;
- Kiko and the Hand Training for Trainers Manual "Protective Teachers, Protected Children".
- Thematic Factsheet "Children's Rights";
- Handbook for policy makers on the rights of the child in the digital environment;
- Educational and methodical manual for psychologists Psychological support and assistance to children who have experienced traumatic events;
- Guidelines and methodology for documenting child rights violations resulting from sexual abuse;
- Pocket guide for practitioners on documenting child rights violation resulting from sexual abuse.
Awareness and prevention
The project will raise awareness on the phenomenon of child sexual abuse, including online, and the rights of the child in the digital environment in Ukraine. These goals will be implemented through a series of activities including a public information and awareness raising campaigns and targeted sensitisation of decision makers, authorities and professionals working for and with children.
Materials for children
- Passport to your rights brochure;
- Brochure “I have rights…”;
- Tell someone you trust video;
- Democracy and Human Rights Start With Us brochure for children;
- Leaflet “Learn about your rights in the digital environment”;
- "Start to Talk" video;
- So this is sexual abuse? Brochure;
- Kiko and the Hand:
- Kiko and the Hand children’s bok;
- "Kiko and the Hand" vide
- Children's bok "Kiko and the Manymes";
- "Kiko and the Manymes" video.
Materials for parents
- Video tutorials on parenting in the digital age:
- Tutorial 1 - Online protection of children
- Tutorial 2 - Sextortion
- Tutorial 3 - Sexting
- Tutorial 4 - Sex-chatting
- Tutorial 5 - Grooming
- Tutorial 6 - Sexualised images used in revenge
- Brochure "Parenting in the Digital Age"
- Brochure for parents "Kiko and the Manymes”.
Reports and analytics
- Progress Assessment Report On the Recommendations of the Gap Analysis of Legislation, Policies and Practices to Prevent and Combat Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Ukraine;
- Analysis of the provisions of the Draft Law of Ukraine “On Amending some Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Convention)”;
- Legal Analysis on Operation of Barnahus in Ukraine (available in Ukrainian);
- Methodological Guidelines on Investigative Interviewing of Children (available in Ukrainian);
- Methodological recommendations on Monitoring the right of the child to protection from violence and abuse (available in Ukrainian).
The main partners of the project are the Ministry of internal affairs, the Ministry of justice, the Ministry of social policy, the Ministry of digital transformation, the Office of the prosecutor general of Ukraine, the Office of the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for human rights, etc. Collaboration and partnerships will be sought with other relevant government institutions, international organisations, as well as civil society organisations active in this field.
Children in Ukraine will benefit from more effective prevention and protection against sexual and other forms of violence through a reinforced child protection system managed by skilled and competent work force.