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Online training to create posters against racial discrimination

Ilia State University held an online training with the support of the Council of Europe to teach students how to raise awareness for the action day for the elimination of racial discrimination. The students learnt how to create posters using online designing platform

The training was held by the representatives from the HYGGE, an youth organisation  working on educational development of youth with a special focus on  ethnic minorities.

During the online training, participants created posters on the topic of racial discrimination.

Ilia State University joins the "I Choose Equality" campaign under the grant project "Together for Equality". The grant project aims at raising awareness about the diversity and fighting discrimination, as well as promoting civic integration and strengthening the tolerant environment among  youth.

The event was organised in the framework of the “I Choose Equality campaign run by the co-operation project “Fight against Discrimination, Hate Crimes and Hate Speech in Georgia”. The project is implemented under the Council of Europe’s Action Plan for Georgia 2016-2019 with the support of the Danish Neighbourhood Programme in Georgia (DANEP).

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