Back Protection of lawyers : progress made for the elaboration of a draft convention

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts on the Protection of Lawyers (CJ-AV) held its second meeting in Strasbourg from 11 to 13 July 2022, in which representatives of the Member States and relevant international professional organisations participated.

The CJ-AV Committee continued its work on a future legal instrument aimed at strengthening the protection of the legal profession and the right to practice the profession without prejudice or coercion. It examined the first draft legal instrument and its provisions, and discussed at length all the issues to be covered in order to develop a robust instrument, providing strong and effective protection to lawyers in the exercise of their profession.

The CJ-AV held a fruitful exchange of views with the UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Mr García-Sayán, who spoke about the importance of the preparation of the new legal instrument at the backdrop of a global increase in practices that undermine, limit, restrict and hinder the work of lawyers, particularly of those whose activities are focused on the fight against corruption, the defense of human rights or the protection of vulnerable groups. The Special Rapporteur expressed his full support to the work of the CJ-AV and draw the committee’s attention to the possible global impact that such a convention would have beyond Europe, underlining the possibility and desirability of offering a stronger protection to lawyers worldwide.


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Strasbourg 26/07/2022
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