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Bioethics: High-Level Seminar on Public Debate

The High-level seminar on public debate as a tool for the governance of new technologies, organised by the Committee on Bioethics (DH-BIO) of the Council of Europe under the auspices of the French Presidency of the Committee of Ministers, took place on 4 June 2019 in Strasbourg, Palais de l’Europe (Room 1).


The objective of the event was to explore why public debate on biomedicine and human rights is so important for policy makers in an era when emerging technologies have an increasing impact on our societies. It addressed how public debate can create opportunities to connect public interest with public policy and to develop new governance arrangements. The event contributed to action on public debate and the governance of technologies which is foreseen in the new Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan on human rights and technologies in biomedicine (2020-2025).


The working languages were English and French. The event was live broadcasted and it's possible to consult the video on our website ( The seminar was open to the public and press.


strasbourg 04/06/2019
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