Back Webinar “AI and Gender: preventing bias, promoting equality”

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While AI can be used to make our daily lives easier and to help solve some of the most pressing societal challenges, research shows unambiguously that AI data sets are ingrained with gender biases.

AI can reproduce human prejudice and perpetuate bias, further stigmatising and marginalising women on a global scale. Therefore, dedicated and systematic effort is essential to counter bias in machine-human interfaces and to ensure that technology does not amplify societal inequalities and harmful gender stereotypes.

AI systems can facilitate inclusion, diversity and equal treatment. The potential for AI to correct discrimination is undeniable, and can be fully realised through awareness, transparency and oversight.

This webinar aims to explore both the alarming negative impact of AI systems on gender equality, the reasons behind this reality and how to mitigate such risk, as well as the opportunities brought by properly designed and regulated systems for advancing gender equality. The speakers will also share their insights into what kind of regulatory environment and support initiatives by governments could bring about changes in the right direction.

On Wednesday 19 April 2023, from 1 to 2pm (CET), the Secretariat of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) is holding a webinar (hybrid/Zoom + AGORA G02) as a side event of the Fifth Plenary meeting of the CAI. It is thematically linked to the examination of the draft Council of Europe [Framework] Convention on AI, Human rights, Democracy and the Rule of law, which the Committee will discuss during the meeting.

The event brings together national and international experts from across the world to discuss the current challenges and opportunities of fighting bias and promoting equality in AI.


  • Louise Riondel (Co-Secretary to the Committee on Artificial Intelligence)


  • Caterina Bolognese (Head of the Gender Equality Division, Directorate of Human Dignity, Equality and Governance, DG II, Council of Europe)

Keynote speaker

  • Jana Novohradska (Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic and Gender Equality Rapporteur of the CAI)


  • Ivana Bartoletti (Global Chief Privacy Officer at Wipro, Visiting Cybersecurity and Privacy Executive Fellow at Pamplin Business School at Virginia Tech, Co-Founder of the Women Leading in AI Network)
  • Hadas Orgad (Ph.D. candidate at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology)
  • Dr David Reichel (EU Agency for Fundamental Rights)




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Strasbourg 19/04/2023
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