Back International round table “Civil society: empowerment and accountability” - Challenges of inclusive decision-making processes

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

Under the auspices of the Irish Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR co-organise in Strasbourg and online the International Round Table “Civil society: empowerment and accountability” on 13 September 2022. The conference will be opened by Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Marija Pejčinović Burić.

The event will provide an opportunity for participants to discuss the challenges of inclusive decision-making processes and will host speakers ranging from experts in international standards (including anti-money laundering), members of the Venice Commission and ODIHR experts, to representatives of national and international NGOs and national authorities from countries with relevant experience.

The round table will consist of two sessions:

  • The first will be devoted to the different forms of participation of civil society organisations in public life, and in particular in legislative procedures and in the work of independent institutions. Speakers are invited to reflect on the distinction between political activities, lobbying and civic activism.
  • The second part will focus on regulations concerning foreign-funded NGOs, related to reporting obligations, labelling requirements, and their effect on freedom of association.

The conference will end with the proposal for concrete solutions by the participants.

The event will take place at Palais de l'Europe (Room 9), and will be broadcast online.


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Strasbourg 08/09/2022
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