20 months (15 September 2021 - 14 September 2023

    Funded by European Union and Council of Europe within the REFORM/COE Framework agreement.

Project News

Back Finalisation of the Pool of Training Topics and Trainers

Finalisation of the Pool of Training Topics and Trainers

The Project “Promotion of the rule of law and fundamental rights through high-quality online trainings in the Croatian Judiciary” implemented by the Council of Europe (CoE) in cooperation with the European Commission DG REFORM is aimed at providing support to the Judicial Academy of Croatia to improve the methodology, tools and expertise to design and deliver high-quality training. The Croatian judiciary should be strengthened through development of remotely accessible training resources, and specifically through training focusing on the existing standards in the field of human rights protection and the rule of law, and their practical application.

In this context, this Project will implement a number of pilot trainings focusing on identified priority topics, using of both face-to-face and online training formats, while incorporating new and existing digital and e-learning tools to support the training implementation, impact, and the participants learning experience.

Following extensive consultation with the project partners – the Judicial Academy of Croatia and the Office of the Representative of the Republic of Croatia before the European Court of Human Rights – a finalised pool of pilot training topics to be implemented under this project has been developed, alongside the potential trainers and formats.

This pool was established while drawing on the results and analysis conducted under the earlier Training Needs Assessment, which took into account the importance of the potential topics; the interests of target groups (criminal, civil, and administrative law practitioners); the availability of respective materials and HELP courses adapted for Croatia; needs determined in the assessment of national resources; and the recommendations of CoE monitoring bodies.

Furthermore, the recent Digital Tools Assessment report also contains guidance on the e-learning tools and resources available to design and implement the training sessions, and its recommendations will be incorporated into the delivery of these pilot trainings.

The first pilot training session on “Resolving conflicts between the right to freedom of expression (Article 10 of the ECHR) and the right to private life (Article 8 of the ECHR)” will take place mid-October 2022.

The Project “Promotion of the rule of law and fundamental rights through high-quality online trainings in the Croatian Judiciary” is funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument, and implemented by the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the European Commission.

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