The main partners of the Project are EU national training institutions and bar associations, with the Spanish Bar Association as key partner.

The main beneficiaries are lawyers, judges and prosecutors from EU countries.

The main aim is to contribute to an increased protection of fundamental rights and rule of law in the EU member states in areas such as fundamental rights and rule of law,  including children’s rights, ethics for judges, prosecutors and lawyers, family law, international cooperation in criminal matters, procedural safeguards in criminal proceedings and victims’ rights etc.

The specific objectives are:

  1. To enhance EU legal professionals’ capacities to effectively and coherently apply European fundamental rights standards at the national level and through cross-border training, mainly referring to the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights (the Charter), the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the (revised) European Social Charter (ESC) and other relevant EU and Council of Europe law.
  2. To strengthen the HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal professionals) Network of Judicial Training Institutions and Bar Associations in the EU and increase mutual trust between EU practitioners.

Project information

  • Duration: 30 months (1 March 2022 – 31 August 2024)
  • Place/ country: European Union
  • Budget: 1 389 448.50 €
  • Funding: Joint Programme, funded by the EU and the Council of Europe, implemented by the Council of Europe

Project documentation

Courses developed/updated under the Project
Project news

Back European Union: Legal professionals from member states trained to become certified HELP tutors

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© Council of Europe

Over 30 legal professionals, including judges, prosecutors and lawyers with training experience from several EU member states gathered online for a HELP training of trainers (ToT) session organised on 17-18 September 2020. They were joined by eight participants from non-EU member states involved in training future HELP courses across Europe.

The HELP ToT session was organised under the framework of the European Union-Council of Europe funded project "HELP in the EU II", under which several launch events for HELP courses will be organised.

The participants got familiarised with the Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) Programme of the Council of Europe and its online platform containing over 35 online courses.

The event aimed at equipping them with the necessary practical skills to effectively implement HELP online tutored courses in their countries of origin.

Following the general presentation on the Council of Europe HELP Programme and the basics of the HELP training methodology, the participants were introduced to the practical information on effectively fulfilling all functions of a HELP tutor and on the effective use the HELP online training platform, hosting all HELP online courses. The participants also exchanged on the practical aspects concerning the role of the national HELP tutor and were presented the practical materials and resources developed by the European Court of Human Rights, including a detailed presentation on how to use the HUDOC database of European Court of Human Rights case-law.

The participants who have taken part in this training session and successfully complete their assignment will become HELP certified trainers, allowing them to use the resources and the platform for tutoring HELP courses. They will be added to the pool of HELP certified trainers, publicly available on the HELP website. The ToT session comes to consolidate a rich network of HELP certified tutors in EU countries and thus contributes to the enhancement of European Human Rights standards in the EU and the use of HELP courses to train legal professionals across the EU member states. It also builds up on HELP’s previous EU funded projects, as some of the participants to the ToT session are former participants who have successfully completed HELP courses organised under previous projects.

  Access the HELP online platform and take for free our online courses on human rights

Strasbourg 17-18 September 2020
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