Rules and working methods
of the Committee of Ministers

In accordance with Article 46 of the European Convention on Human Rights as amended by Protocols No. 11 and No.-14, the Committee of Ministers supervises the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

This work is carried out mainly at four regular meetings (CMDH meetings) every year. Documentation for these meetings takes the form of the Annotated Agenda and Order of Business. Decisions and Notes are made public shortly after the meeting. The Committee of Ministers' essential function is to ensure that member states comply with the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. The Committee completes each case by adopting a final resolution. In some cases, interim resolutions may prove appropriate. Both kinds of Resolutions are public.

Rules of the Committee of Ministers
Consequences for the supervision process following entry into force of the Protocol No. 14
  • DGHL-Exec/Inf (2010)1, 18 May 2010
    Entry into force of Protocol No. 14: consequences for the supervision of the execution of judgments of the European Court by the Committee of Ministers
New working methods: 2010
Former working methods: 2004