On 7 March a roundtable on Effective national co-ordination: a key factor in reinforcing the domestic capacity for rapid execution of ECHR judgments took place under the aegis of the Irish Vice Presidency of the Committee of Ministers. The roundtable aimed to foster an open and constructive, peer-to-peer exchange of views and good practices on the growing complexity attached to the mission of co-ordination and the prerequisites for effective action, particularly in the light of current and upcoming challenges in the execution process.
Major themes discussed were the following: the national co-ordinators’ role to steer the execution process; the national co-ordinators’ contribution to maintaining an effective dialogue with the Committee of Ministers, through the timely transmission of relevant information on the execution process; the national co-ordinators’ contribution to developing effective synergies with actors in the execution process and other national stakeholders, including NHRIs and civil society organisations.
Speaking notes:
- Welcoming remarks by Christos Giakoumopoulos, Director General of Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Hacı Ali Açıkgül, Head of Department of Human Rights, Ministry of Justice, Turkey
- Simona Drenik Bavdek, Counsellor to the Ombudsman of Slovenia, Assistant Head of the Center for Human Rights at the Human rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia
- Alfonso Brezmes Martínez de Villarreal, Agent of the Government of Spain before the European Court of Human Rights
- Robert Golobinek, Head of Project Unit for coordinating the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia
- Štefica Stažnik, Representative of Croatia before the European Court of Human Rights
- Vít Schorm, Agent of the Government of the Czech Republic before the European Court of Human Rights
- Bozhura Simeonova, Agent of the Government of Bulgaria before the European Court of Human Rights
- Lina Urbaitė, Senior Adviser of the Legal Representation Group, Ministry of Justice, Lithuania
- Almut Wittling-Vogel, former Agent of the Government of Germany before the European Court of Human Rights
- Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation (2008)2 to member States on efficient domestic capacity for rapid execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
- Guide to good practice on the implementation of Recommendation (2008)2 of the Committee of Ministers on efficient domestic capacity for rapid execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (as adopted by the CDDH at its 87th meeting, 6-9 June 2017).