Check below some examples of publications produced as part of EYF-supported projects. This list is not exhaustive. If you are running an EYF-supported project and you wish that your publication is included in this list, contact us via the EYF online system. 

 Gender equality

Play it loud! Jeunesse Musicales International

This handbook aims to provide guidelines and principles on how to promote gender equality and inclusion for those involved in youth, music and culture organisations and projects. It was developed as part of a work plan of JM International

  Download the handbook

The struggle for equality - International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY)

This toolkit supports practical thinking and acting on how to make youth organisations more gender equal. It can be used by organisations as well as by individuals with different levels of skills and expertise. The aim is to raise awareness about the topics included in the toolkit and make organisations inclusive and safe for everyone. 

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Free to be You and Me - Service Civil International (SCI)

The toolkit, aimed at youth workers, volunteer coordinators and trainers, provides comprehensive information on gender and sexuality, along with practical guidelines and easy-to-use tools, with the aim of helping leaders to address the topic of gender and sexuality in their activities. The goal of the toolkit is to help make activities safer and more inclusive for all, regardless of gender identity or sexuality. Available in EnglishAlbanianBulgarian and Serbian.

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Let's Talk About Sex - International Falcon Movement (IFM-SEI)

The Let's Talk about Sex zine is a fun, interactive and engaging resource for kids and young people that explores sex and sex education from the aspect of inclusion, celebrating different identities, sexualities, genders and body types.

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Demasculinisation of politics - Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG)

This publication provides information and support in combating the inequalities in politics, especially regarding gender balance and the redistribution of power which is still very male-centred throughout Europe and the world. It includes the mapping of reality regarding this topic, as well as different tools and actions for feminist activism and to help evaluate your organisation from that perspective.

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Variety is the spice of life  - Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU)

This publication is a guidebook is a tool for youth workers, youth organisations, and facilitators who are dealing with gender issues in their work with young people. 

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Norm Criticism Tooklit - International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Youth and Student Organization (IGLYO)

This toolkit developed by IGLYO norm-criticism, what it means and how it can be implemented by individuals and organisations. It also dissects the norms themselves and how they are reflected in society. You can find Reflections and information but also concrete tools to use in your organisation.

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Intersectionality Toolkit - International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Youth and Student Organization (IGLYO)

This toolkit explores and explains the different identities people can have and proposes ways to adopt an intersectional approach in a youth organisation with concrete tools and a glossary on the topic.

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Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming Toolkit - World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)

This toolkit is about promoting inclusion from a gender and diversity perspective. The toolkit looks specifically at six core areas: Membership, Educational Programme, Relation to Society, Finance, Structure and Management and Training. It provides tools to run a mainstreaming project and gives examples from both girl-only and co-educational settings.

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I Act Handbook - International Falcon Movement Socialist Education International (IFM-SEI)

I Act Handbook will challenge the reader's perception of what is sexual violence, show how to spot acts of sexual violence and give tools to be active bystanders to contribute towards developing organisations and societies where it is the norm to challenge acts of sexual violence together.

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Sexual (R)evolution. It's time to make a difference - ADAE Network

The publication contains a comprehensive overview of topics related to gender issues such as sex and gender, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, trans- and gender non-conforming roles, gender and power, gender-based violence, double discrimination of women with disabilities, the feminist movement and LGBTQI terminology.

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Gender Toolkit - United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY)

The UNOY gender toolkit is a publication with activities and methodologies to include gender mainstreaming in youth organisations, both in the structure itself and in the different phases of a project. It also includes an introduction and several reflections on the topic, including theimpact of gender in peacebuilding and youth work. 

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Gender equality for a world of opportunity - World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts - Europe

The publication gathers lessons learned and recommendations for future actions on gender equality in everyday life.

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IGLYO on Gender - International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Youth and Student Organization

Tool for those interested in getting information about gender-related issues through the LGBTQ perspective. This booklet collects 7 articles on a variety of topics such as: body image; gendered childhood; how gender is reflected in spoken language; and how gender identity is displayed.

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Rainbow Resources - Compasito Companion on Sexuality and Gender - International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational International

The handbook is divided in two parts: a first part giving the theoretical framework on child development; non-formal education; learning styles and definition of main terms. The second part collects methods to work with children and young people on sexual and gender issues. The methods, which are energizers and activities, are divided into 3 categories which are: identity and being; families and relationships; and bullying and discrimination. A glossary is also provided. The resource is available in English, German, Spanish and Lithuanian.

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Toolkit to Work on Gender, Sexuality and Human Rights - Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service

The toolkit is a tool to promote the work on gender, sexual orientation and body autonomy in international youth camps. The first part consists of an introductory workshop on the main topics; the second part gathers examples of workshops to do with participants of international workcamps. And finally the third part covers guidelines for camp leaders to avoid situations where people are discriminated on the basis of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

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  Non-formal education

NF@ – Guide for Online Non-Formal Education - Connect International

This guide helps young people and youth organisations to transfer their activities online efficiently and without compromising their quality.

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#PeerPower: Guidelines on Peer Education - Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions

This document provides school student activists and staff supporting them, with an overview of what it takes to organise an activity related to peer education and an activity implementing peer education.
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Snap activism including high school students in creative activism - Libero

This toolkit gives examples of promoting activism among high school students using non-formal methods. 

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Promoting active citizenship and participation. Methods, activities and project ideas - International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY)

This toolkit is a collection of non-formal education methods, activities and project ideas. While the main thematic focus is on active citizenship and youth participation, the toolkit also provides a step-by-step guide on how to develop a complete 4-day youth training course with non-formal education methods that can provide inspiration for other youth activities.

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 Online activism and combating hate speech online 

Bringing into play - Manual for young online activists - Libero

The publication introduces the characteristics of online activism, examples of tools, and information on how to train activists on human rights education.

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Combating Hate Speech in Bosnia-Herzegovina. A Balkan Diskurs Special Report - Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC)

This report explores the prevalence of hate speech in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The publication is presented as a collection of articles which provide insights into the fight against online and offline hate speech across the country.

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IGLYO on Online Hate Speech - International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Youth and Student Organization

The publication investigates the differences between hate speech and offensive speech. It also collects testimonies on online hate speech in Norway and Italy. Information about the Council of Europe No Hate Speech Movement is also provided.

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 Peaceful and inclusive societies

IFM - SEI: Dream our G-Local Movement

This publication (available in English, French and Spanish) provides a checklist of factors to be taken into account for diversity and inclusion, a summary of the campaigns they carried out in 2021 on these topics, and a creative toolkit on accessible and inclusive g-local volunteering. A video was also produced and summarises the vision on inclusion and accessibility. 

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Minority Youth in Europe: A State of Play – YEN – Youth of European Nationalities

This report contains chapters on the complexity of minority identity, minority rights as human rights, youth empowerment and strong minority youth organisations, and a glossary. Each chapter has an introduction, facts and best practices, recommendations and further readings.

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Peace cards - SCI - Service Civil International

The Peace Cards are a tool to spark discussion on the topics of peace, non-violence, and activism. These are 56 cards, each having a quote connected to the above topics. The Peace Cards can support trainers, facilitators, youth workers, workcamp coordinators, psychologists, and educators who look for a creative tool to discuss the issues of peace, war, nonviolence, and activism with diverse groups. 

 Discover the Peace Cards in pdf and as an interactive game. Discover the street action kit produced as part of the same project, with tips on how to organise peace street actions. 

Inclusionary - Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU)

Inclusionary is designed to empower the individual to take the initiative to make change in their organisation. The journey starts with an introductory quiz to see where an organisation currently stands in terms of inclusion, followed by specific recommendations that can bring positive change, including publications, workshops and events, as well as dedicated support where possible.

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Artoolkit, Art for intercultural dialogue - International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development (CEIPES)

This toolkit collects methodologies based on art in the field of intercultural dialogue, anti-discrimination, inclusion of migrants and peacebuilding processes. 

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25 Stories for Peace - United Network of Young Peacebuilders

The publication is a collection of inspiring real life stories about what it means to be a youth worker in the field of peacebuilding. It gathers testimonies of young peacebuilders who are active in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. It shows the different approaches but also the similar challenges peacebuilders face.

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Exercising our rights! Developing new tools in support of social cohesion - Youth for Exchange and Understanding

The publication has been created as a tool to enhance social cohesion at a local level. It starts with a brief introduction of the NGO, its values and work; and the project through which it was developed. The glossary explains the main terms relating to social cohesion and the Council of Europe Action Plan for Social Cohesion is introduced. The final part of the publication presents examples of activities to of social cohesion and its different forms.

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Peace Bag - Fundació Catalunya Voluntària

A practical guide to mainstreaming peace education and intercultural dialogue in youth work with particular emphasis on EuroMed joint projects. The toolkit is divided in five parts. The last section presents several activities, ranging from ice-breakers to role-plays, aimed at tackling a wide array of topics:  leadership, inequality, identity, conflict analysis, religion, gender equality, minorities and human rights among others.

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Peace Education Handbook - International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational International

The publication focuses on peace education with children and youngsters and is divided into a theoretical and a practical section with 24 educational activities into 3 categories: understanding conflicts, transforming conflicts and making peace. 

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 Project and organisational management

Skillsharing Portal - European Youth for Action

The publication collects a wide range of tools about direct actions, planning projects and defining a strategy, theatre of oppressed. Additional material is available on the website

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UpDatAed guide for youth organisations on digital safety and privacy - Connect International (CONNECT)

This guide provides youth organisations with concise advice on the safe use of data in the context of the increased digitalisation of youth work. It provides basic principles to follow, supplemented with clear examples of how these can relate to the day to day functioning of a youth organisation. The guide is suitable for the use of any youth organisation as they review their practices around data management.

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Youth Impact for Peace: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in Six European Youth Organisations - UNOY Peacebuilders

The report collects the research results of monitoring and evaluation practices in those organisations in relation to different kinds of activities such as capacity building programmes, advocacy projects and support to dialogue and peace processes and it gives suggestions on how to improve it.

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How to Create a Succesful Digital Campaign - Digital Activism Tooklit

a Practical Guide 

This Toolkit aims to provide young people with practical tools and digital communication strategies, which they will be able to apply to amplify their climate action and to conduct effective awareness-raising and advocacy actions through social media
and other digital platforms.

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Inclusion in Environmental Youth Projects – Youth and Environment Europe (YEE)

This booklet aims to help youth workers, youth and environmental organisations to understand the topic of inclusion better, and gives practical tools making projects and activities more inclusive. 

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Training Manual: “In the mood for climate change?” – MIJARC Europe

This publication was designed as a fun course to give participants basic information on the phenomenon of climate change.

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 Access the free online course.

Climate for Peace Inspirations - Service Civil International

The toolkit gives ideas on how to organise youth activities for climate justice and sustainable living. It collects examples of projects developed by SCI branches and other organisations in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America to raise awareness about climate change and sustainable living. Tips about how to make visible the work done on this topic at the local level are also included.

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Environmental education for sustainability - Youth and Environment Europe

The publication is the outcome of the training course for young people who wanted to become environmental educators. After a brief introduction about the training course and the explanation of its aim and objectives, the guide tackles the topics of sustainability, the methods of environmental education, the profile of the environmental educator. Later on a list of useful materials such as books, videos and websites is also presented.

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Pacman guide, Paths to Alternative Consumption - Fair Trade Hellas

Concise and practical guide on ethical and responsible consumption. It explores the notions of fair trade; ethical consumption; responsible consumption and conscious consumerism. A practical section devoted to examples of sustainable lifestyles follows the theoretical section. Awareness raising, advocacy campaigning and educational activities, approaches and activities are presented.

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The Green Toolbox - International Young Naturefriends

The toolbox deals with the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and economic sustainability in workplace and everyday life. It collects facts, cases studies, information and practical tips on a wide range of topics such as: recycling; saving energy; organising activities; purchasing; merchandising and gifts; food; waste management; selection of venues; activities; mobility; and green building. It also gives suggestions on how to include sustainability in projects which are not directly related to this topic.

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Upcycling - Youth and Environment Europe

Tool for individuals and organisations looking for ideas on how to reuse and recycle materials. It is organised in two sections: the first part provides background information about upcycling, including tips on how everyone can make a contribution. The second part presents concrete ideas on how to reuse materials such as paper, plastic, glass, carton, clothes and metal.

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Young and Green Peace - A global report on youth and peace and environmental sustainability - UNOY Peacebuilders

This toolkit is a useful starting point for those interested in exploring the inter-connection between environmental sustainability and peacebuilding with an emphasis on involving young people. Concrete examples of best practices or problems faced by young people when it comes to environmental sustainability are presented and some recommendations on future steps are also given.

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 Pluralistic democracy and youth participation


Be the change! Democracy education webpack, Mouth that Roars

This webpack includes activities, videos, quizzes, etc., on democracy education and community
engagement. the webpack includes chapters on democracy, human rights and youth activism. 

 Discover the website

SNAP Activism – Including High School Students in Creative Activism – LIBERO

The toolkit aims to promote new innovative methods of youth activism tailored for needs and habits of high school students in order to boost their participation and active citizenship. This toolkit is a set of recommendations and examples of methods for inciting youth activism. 

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Promoting active citizenship and participation. Methods, activities and project ideas - International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY)

This toolkit is a collection of non-formal education methods, activities and project ideas. While the main thematic focus is on active citizenship and youth participation, the toolkit also provides a step-by-step guide on how to develop a complete 4-day youth training course with non-formal education methods that can provide inspiration for other youth activities.

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  ... and more

Take your power back - Manual for wellbeing - Youth for Exchange and Understanding

The publication explores the concepts related to young people's wellbeing, as well as tools to support to discuss, explore and enhance wellbeing. 

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Steps towards social entrepreneurship - Youth for Exchange and Understanding

The publication includes a definition of social entrepreneurship, the main elements of a social enterprise, the skills and role of the social entrepreneur and the steps to establish a successful social entreprise. 

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Combating stereotypes - PVN Albania

This manual was created in order to develop research on the topic of stereotypes in Albania and to challenge negative stereotypes that prevail in  society. The publication contains theory and research on the topic at a local level, which has been gathered for young people by young people. 

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Volunteering Against Poverty, Educational Resources on Poverty and Inequality - International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational International

This toolkit collects educational methods, mainly ice-breakers and games, on poverty, its causes and consequences.

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Toolkit to work on Migration and Human Rights - Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service

The publication is a tool to promote the work on migration and human rights in international youth camps. It aims to raise awareness about challenges linked to migration such as: freedom of movement and the right to have the same opportunities and civil and social liberties as citizens of the receiving country. 

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