4.1 Universal primary and secondary educationThe Council of Europe contributes to SDG 4.1 mainly through its work on competences for democratic culture and language education.

Through its activities, standards and tools developed in this field, the Council of Europe encourages its member States to provide equitable, quality education whereby all learners acquire the competencies, values, culture and knowledge essential for ensuring social integration and intercultural openness. Activities ranging from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, to projects such as the Quality Education in Romani for Europe, the development of a Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and the support provided by the Education Policy Advisors Network to effective implementation of Council of Europe education standards are just some of its stepping stones for achieving equitable, quality primary and secondary education that leads to relevant and effective learning outcomes in line with the values and culture of human rights and democratic citizenship.


Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR)
A transparent, coherent and comprehensive reference instrument. The result of over twenty years of research, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR) is exactly what its title says it is: a framework of reference. It was designed to provide a transparent, coherent and comprehensive basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses and curriculum guidelines, the design of teaching and learning materials, and the assessment of foreign language proficiency. It is used in Europe but also in other continents.
The CEFR is available in 40 languages

Language of schooling

Languages of schooling are taught as subjects in their own right (literacy, reading, writing, literature, thinking about language, etc.) but also used for the teaching of other subjects (maths, biology, history, geography etc.).

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