Back New project “Quality Education for All – North Macedonia”

Funded by Germany, the new Council of Europe project “Quality Education for All – North Macedonia” aims to to promote democracy and human rights in and through education and equip young people with the competences to live in a multicultural society. 

Education plays a key role in preparing young people for life as active and responsible citizens. It is in school that young people acquire knowledge about democracy, develop competences for democratic culture and develop a culture of participation from an early age. 

Drawing on Council of Europe’s policies, tools and expertise, the project complements the important progress achieved by the education authorities in integrating education for democratic citizenship, human rights education and multicultural education in school curricula, teacher education programmes and education materials. The project will: 

  • Strengthen the knowledge and capacity of policy makers to foster the implementation of the national Education Strategy (2018 -2025) with a focus on inclusive and multicultural education and democratic values
  • Support 25 pilot schools to engage with local communities and civil society organisations to introduce Democratic School Governance Model
  • Support teachers to develop new professional competences on student voice and democratic governance, leadership for inclusion, the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and more.


To learn more about the project, visit the project’s webpage.

This Project is implemented by the Council of Europe and funded by Germany. It is implemented in co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia from December 2022 to November 2025.

North Macedonia 13 February 2023
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