Back New ISBN Publications - Autobiographies of Intercultural Encounters

4 volumes
New ISBN Publications - Autobiographies of Intercultural Encounters

New revised and updated editions of the Autobiographies of Intercultural Encounters have been published. These educational resources are designed to encourage and support learners to think about and learn from intercultural encounters that they have had either face to face, through visual media (such as television, magazines, films, photographs, etc.), or through the internet (for example, through blogs, social media pages, news feeds, etc.).

Encounters with people from other cultural backgrounds have now become part of our everyday lives. By reflecting on these encounters, learners can learn about other cultures, develop their capacities for effective and respectful communication, think about their own cultural affiliations, and reflect on ways in which they might take action for the common good.

There are three Autobiographies:

There is also a fourth accompanying volume, Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters: Context, Concepts and Theories, which discusses the policy context and conceptual and theoretical issues relating to intercultural encounters.

 All of these materials have been fully updated and aligned with the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture. The materials may be used by educators and learners in primary, secondary and higher education, and in non-formal and informal education.

Strasbourg 12 January 2023
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