The Council Of Europe's Relations with Observer States
At their 4th Summit held in Reykjavik on 16-17 May 2023, Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe committed to strengthening the role of the Council of Europe in the European multilateral architecture and in global governance by enhancing its external dimension, through, inter alia, a new engagement based on its core values with democracies in the world and its southern neighbourhood”.
“We will in particular strengthen our dialogue with our observer States, with which the Council of Europe and its member States share a set of fundamental values and common principles. We will also promote increased ratification of Council of Europe conventions that are open to non-member States through targeted universalization campaigns, to advance compliance with the Organisation’s ambitious standards beyond European borders. Through the active contribution of the observer States, our outreach can be further extended to non-member countries.”
Reykjavík Declaration - United around our values
Relations and contacts with observer states (Canada, Holy See, Japan, Mexico and United States of America) cover almost the whole spectrum of the Council of Europe’s activities.
Through these contacts, a mutually beneficial exchange of experiences and good practices takes place, in particular in the intergovernmental sector of activities. Relations with observer states represent a precious outreach opportunity for the Council of Europe and contribute to broadening the impact of its standards and activities.
- Statutory Resolution Res(93)26 on Observer Status
- Criteria for Granting of Observer Status with the Council of Europe
- Decision adopted by the Ministers' Deputies at their 971st meeting: Invitation to observer states to participate in the regular meetings of the Ministers’ Deputies
- The Council of Europe’s outreach beyond membership and the promotion of the Organisation’s instruments. 133rd Session of the Committee of Ministers (Strasbourg, 16-17 May 2024) 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe (Reykjavík, Iceland, 16-17 May 2023) – Follow-up
- Decision adopted by the Ministers' Deputies at their 1385th meeting on "Co-operation with non-member States having observer status with the Council of Europe" (7 October 2020)
- Co-operation with non-member States having observer status with the Council of Europe: Overview of co-operation between the Council of Europe and observer States (GR-EXT(2021)13-rev)
- Decision adopted by the Ministers' Deputies at their 255th meeting on Observer Status for the Holy See
- Resolution (95) 37 on Observer Status for the United States of America with the Council of Europe
- Resolution (96) 9 on Observer Status for Canada with the Council of Europe
- Resolution (96) 37 on Observer Status for Japan with the Council of Europe
- Resolution (99) 32 on Observer Status for Mexico with the Council of Europe
- Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 1600 (2008) The Council of Europe and its observer states - the current situation and a way forward
- Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1827 (2008) The Council of Europe and its observer states - the current situation and a way forward
- Reply adopted by the Committee of Ministers to Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1827 (2008)
- Decisions: 133rd Session of the Committee of Ministers (Strasbourg, 17 May 2024) - 2. United around our values – b. Implementation of the Reykjavík Declaration
- Report on follow-up to the Reykjavík Declaration – “Reykjavík – one year on”, 14 May 2024
- Declaration by the Presidency of the Committee of Ministers on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe, 17 May 2024