Back France: Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe presented at a colloquium organised by the Ministry of Culture at the National Heritage Institute

France: Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe presented at a colloquium organised by the Ministry of Culture at the National Heritage Institute

From 24-25 March 2022, within the framework of the French Presidency of the European Union, the Directorate General of Heritage and Architecture of the Ministry of Culture of France organised the Colloquium “Heritage, museums, archives, architecture: what risks, what experiences in Europe?”.

The event, which took place in Paris at the National Heritage Institute, was attended by Mr. Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary of the EPA and Director of the EICR, at the invitation of Mr. Bruno FAVEL, Representative of France to the EPA Governing Board. Mr. Jean-François HEBERT, Director General of Heritage and Architecture of the Ministry of Culture, opened the conference with an introductory speech, before Mrs. Catherine MAGNANT, head of Cultural Policy at the European Commission, gave a speech on the role of heritage in European politics.

The Minister of Culture of France, Ms. BACHELOT-NARQUIN, as well as the Ambassador of Ukraine to France and Permanent Representative of Ukraine to UNESCO, Ambassador OMELTCHENKO, opened the first session. Mr. DOMINIONI then delivered a presentation on the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, their legal framework and how the Cultural Routes contribute to fostering a shared European identity.

Following Mr. DOMINIONI’S presentation, Mr. Alain LIBEROS, President and founder of the European Route d’Artagnan, gave a speech on the Route’s contribution to the strengthening of bonds in Europe. The European Route d’Artagnan, which explores the heritage of Charles de Batz de Castelmore d’Artagnan’s journeys across Europe, became a certified Cultural Route of the Council of Europe in 2021.

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