Current tools on Good Governance
The development and promotion of new innovative capacity-building tools is among the Centre’s priorities. These tools take inspiration from the best of European practice and enable the reinforcement and evaluation of local authorities’ capacities in a variety of areas. The tools are regularly revised and updated.
All interested bodies are encouraged to use the tools, provided that the copyright is respected, qualified and certified by the Centre experts are used, and the Centre is informed. The Centre can provide assistance in the tools’ adaptation, implementation and training of national experts.
Brochure: 12 Principles of Good Governance and current toolkits >>
Transversal Tools to support Democratic Governance Reforms
EDEN is an online networking platform and database of good practice in inter-municipal and cross-border cooperation, ELoGE, Leadership Academy serving to promote innovative, sustainable good democratic governance practice based on Council of Europe Standards.
Democratic participation
The toolkit is designed to help local authorities by providing a self-assessment instrument to develop effective policy responses.
The toolkit provides an integrated framework that guides local authorities in the design and implementation of context-based strategies to increase a community’s civil participation.
Download Civil Participation in Decision-Making toolkit
Download Civil Participation in Decision-Making operational toolkit
Good Governance
The Label is awarded to local authorities which can demonstrate respect of the 12 Principles of Good Democratic Governance, through a self-evaluation and benchmarking process.
Download the ELoGE – European Label of Governance Excellence tool
The E-tool is designed to raise awareness and promote understanding of the 12 Principles as well as to help with the implementation of the ELoGE benchmark.
Human Resources and Leadership
The TNA toolkit sets out the four steps in training and capacity needs analysis and offers guidance in developing national training and capacity-building strategy for local governments.
Download the TNA – Training Needs Analysis and National Training Strategy tool
The HRM toolkit is a practical guide for developing the human resources capacities and management. It includes guidance on job descriptions, recruitment, appraisals, performance management and gender perspective for modern HRM.
The LAP is an interactive training programme for public authorities to develop leadership for organisations, for strategy and for capacity-building.
Download the LAP – Leadership Academy Programme
Training materials for senior civil servants
The toolkit contributes to the enhancement of HRM and other tools by providing tools and procedures for monitoring and evaluation of training programmes.
Teleworking in Public Administration
The Toolkit can be used by all levels of public administrations and is designed to support human resources managers, senior management, line managers and trade unions in designing and rolling out teleworking for their employees.
Download the Toolkit on Teleworking in Public Administration
Institutional Capacity and Quality Public Services
The 2021 revision of the Performance Management toolkit provides an overview of the concepts of performance management, risk management and internal audit and offers a practical guidance on how they can be applied in public sector.
Download the PMP – Performance Management Programme tool
Watch the video: "Performance Management and Risk Management for IMC"
The toolkit provides guidance for preparing strategic municipal plans based on citizen participation and a five-step approach.
The BPP toolkit provides municipalities with ideas and guidance to promote successful, transparent, adequate, replicable and sustainable practice.
Download the BPP – Best Practice in Local Government Programme tool
Download the Progress Report BPP in Moldova
Download the Professional Report on Local Government BPP Hungary
The LGA toolkit offers the means to analyse and transform the performance of LGAs, in order to become more effective organisations.
Download the LGA - Strengthening Capacity of Local Government Associations tool
PEB – Public Ethics Benchmarking, for central and local authorities
This toolkit helps committed public authorities to assess corruption risks, improve public ethics standards, and develop ethical infrastructure.
Download the PEB – Public Ethics Benchmarking tool (for central authorities)
Download the PEB – Benchmark in Excel (for central authorities)
Download the PEB – Public Ethics Benchmarking tool (for local authorities)
Local Finance
The toolkit supports evidence-based decision-making by local officials helping them make the best use of available resources.
Download the LFB – Local Finance Benchmark for Local Authorities tool
The toolkit is an analytical instrument for policy-makers for developing accountable and efficient local finance systems.
Download the LFB – Local Finance Benchmark for Central Authorities tool
Territorial and Cross-Border Cooperation
The toolkit presents templates and frameworks to take municipalities through each step of the process to create, establish, implement and evaluate IMC.
The toolkit aims at providing support to decision-makers who consider amalgamation to overcome problems stemming from territorial fragmentation.
The toolkit serves as a step-by-step guide for designing and implementing cross-border projects.
The toolkit sets out practical solutions to support cooperation between municipalities from different countries.
LAP for CBC – Leadership for Cross-Border Cooperation
Toolkit for practitioners in cross-border cooperation
The training materials are specifically designed to improve the leadership capacity of mayors and senior officials involved in cross-border cooperation.
Download the LAP for CBC – Leadership for Cross-Border Cooperation tool