Back Joint meeting held between education institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

Joint meeting held between education institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

A joint meeting between the pedagogical institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and state educational institutions of the Republic of Serbia took place on 9 November 2022 in Zlatibor. The activity was organised in the framework of the “Quality education for all” actions from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and Serbia.

During the meeting participants had the opportunity to learn about the different phases of implementation of the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture in Serbia and to exchange experiences and share examples of good practices.

We need to build systems which put students and teachers at the centre. The examples we learned about here today are very useful and we hope to integrate them into our education system”, stated Admir Kurtović from the Pedagogical institute of Bosnian-Podrinje canton Goražde.

Institutions taking part in the meeting from BiH included the pedagogical institute from Republika Srpska, cantonal institutes and the Pedagogical institution of Brčko district while the Serbian partners were represented by the state Ministry of education as well as the Institute for Improvement of Education and the Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation of the Republic of Serbia.

Having more partners involved in the process guarantees sustainability, a higher quality of the activities and more gets done than foreseen”, stated Snežana Vuković from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia.

The actions “Quality education for all” are implemented under the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022“.

Zlatibor 14 November 2022
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