Back Council of Europe experts release guidance to protect Ukrainian refugees from traffickers

Council of Europe experts release guidance to protect Ukrainian refugees from traffickers

New guidance from the Council of Europe’s anti-trafficking body GRETA will give European countries the advice they need to protect Ukrainians refugees from traffickers and to detect potential victims.

The move comes following reports of suspected trafficking cases as the war causes an unprecedented movement of people, 90% of whom are women and children.

The guidance covers issues such as making sure people are registered at ever transit point, especially if they lack identity or residence papers; providing specially trained staff at border crossings and transport hubs – including female officers; vetting and registering volunteers to ensure that people are received in a safe environment; providing clear information in different languages; setting up or re-enforcing 24/7 helplines, and monitoring high-risk sectors such as hospitality, agriculture, cleaning, food delivery, car washes or massage studios. It gives special advice on how to safeguard children and stresses the need for a gender-sensitive approach, such as providing separate facilities for men and women.

 Press release
Protecting people fleeing the war in Ukraine from human trafficking: Council of Europe gives practical recommendations to governments

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