Civil Society Dialogue in Azerbaijan


This 24-month joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe aims to promote civil society dialogue in Azerbaijan through improving the national NGO legislation and its practical implementation, in line with the European standards. The project also aims to build the capacities of relevant national authorities and local civil society organisations for dialogue and encourage their co-operation.

International and national experts work together with national authorities and NGOs will to:

  • propose improvements to the existing legislation regarding civil society
  • develop guidelines for civil participation and good governance in Azerbaijan and
  • organise a series of capacity-building events: training-of-trainers and training sessions for civil society representatives, as well as training sessions for on the guidelines on civil participation and good governance for relevant government institutions.

Additionally, the project will include organised training sessions on NGO registration and two study visits to European countries. The visits will allow the participants – Azerbaijani public servants – to get acquainted with examples of best practices covering regarding civil society regulation and freedom of association in each visited country. These study tours will provide the opportunity to meet and engage in exchanges with representatives of government structures and civil society organisations in the host country.

The activities of this joint initiative started in March 2016 and have a budget of about EUR 560 000.
