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Symposium: Human Rights in the Digital Sphere

The digital transformation of our society is certainly one of the fastest and most profound transitions of civilization we have ever experienced. This digital age is leading us to interact more and more online, for information, entertainment, consumption or work. The Covid-19 pandemic revealed the potential of digital services which have enabled people to continue to interact and engage, and have made us more resilient. But many questions remain about the consequences of this transformation and its impact on human rights.

The issue of privacy has long been very topical in our daily lives, but the increased use of the virtual space and the development of technology such as AI, brings these debates even more into the limelight. Rather than reducing discrimination or inequality, some algorithmic decision-making systems can exacerbate it, particularly in the public sphere.

Other paramount issues which cannot be separated from internet are freedom of expression and access to correct and trustworthy information.

Full enjoyment of our rights in cyberspace comes with an adequate protection against the risks in an online environment. Right to private life, human dignity, safety, integrity of the person, non-discrimination are at stake under threat from cybercrime. How can the governments fulfill their positive obligations to protect individuals against crime and safeguard the fundamental rights of cybercrime victims? This challenge requires careful balancing to provide efficient criminal justice response with appropriate rule of law safeguards.

On Monday 18 October 2021, the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law of the Council of Europe co-organises with the European Court of Human Rights, the Consulate General of Japan, the Consulate General of the United States of America, and the René Cassin Foundation, the symposium “Symposium: Human Rights in the Digital Sphere”.

Speakers from different legal systems and jurisdictions, experts and governmental representatives will exchange views, while tackling the complexity of protecting human rights in the digital sphere in our daily lives activities in a one day seminar.

The outcomes of the discussions build further on the current debate on a global scale, about the actions necessary to include in a comprehensive approach in order to address the radical changes digitalization is bringing to the online and offline environments.

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Strasourg 12/10/2021
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Towards an application of AI based on human rights, the rule of law and democracy